Garden recipe: cutting shrubs and trees

" The authors of the articles originally published in the Przekis na Ogród magazine are Joanna Zaremba from Kraków and Anna Witkowska from Latków. "

I x-ray, shape, nurture

Every gardener every seasontakes up the challenge , which is cutting trees and shrubs. To perform thistreatment correct , we should knowbasics biology plantIn our orchard we performseveral variouskinds cuts

1. Shaping cutting

As far as trees are concerned, it is intended to maintaindomination of shootroot( the so-called of the guide ) in relation to others. In the case of shrubs, forming cutting involvesshortening roots yesso thatlower ones are compacted lots of the plant

2. Sanitary cutting

We use them when we want to cutbroken ,dry ,frozenor sick branches .

3. Shining cut

Removal of unnecessary shoots in order tothinning crownandadmission lightstointeriors plants .

4. Corrective cut

We carry them out when the plotboughtgrows badformed trees .

5. Rejuvenating cut

Applies to old plantings. It consists inremoving branchin order to stimulate the plant toproducing newshoot . Pruning affects the he alth of the plants, which translates into abundantfloweringand yields.

Joanna Zaremba

Trimming technique

Better to removefew finer shootsthanone thick After cutting larger shoots, deeper wounds are formed, which weakens the plant. Twigs growing verticallytrim under light diagonally , and climbing upobliquely ,we cut perpendicular

The idea is thatwater rainydoes not collect at the site of our interference. Trim the shoots aboutcentimeter above the bud . If we go too far,twig maybe witch .

Sanitary and forming cutting

For pruning plants I choosewarmandsunny dayI carry out the first treatment in early spring - inFebruarybeMarchI make a sanitary cut -remove dryorchore shootsto the height of he althy tissue.Sometimes I have doubts and don't know if the twig isalready completely dryThen I leave it. If it comes out I'm happy, and if not - I cut it inlater date

In early spring, shrubs are still inwinter dormantWell thenwill bear interference human , and the cutting wounds will heal quickly. During this time, I also shorten some shoots, thanks to which the plant will latermore abundant to bloomandto bear fruit

The time of pruning is determined by the time offlowering of individual speciesTospring haircutso I choose summer flowering shrubs (inJuneandlater ). These are, for example, hydrangea,budlejaandmilin AmericanThese plants formflower budson this year's shoots, so cutting them will not hurt them … In spring I also prune fruit trees and shrubs ( apple trees ,peaches , gooseberry ,currants ).

In April I start large-flowered roses, and onat the turn of MayandJuneforshrubsthat bloomed in spring ( forsythia ,tonsil,tamarisk). These plants form buds in autumn, sowe correct shape branchright afterfading

Anna Witkowska

Before reaching for the garden shears …

Learn the biology of your plants. Out of ignorance, you can only harm them. An example istawaysThey are usually trimmedearly in springThere are exceptions to every rule, however.Tawułaearly blooms already inApril , therefore it should becut only after fadingThe same must be done with conifers, whichtoo much trim maybe only hurtSimilarly, roses - not all of them like to shave.

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