The author of the text is the expert of the Recipe for the Garden - MSc. Sławomir Ozdmkowski "
aphidsmay appear on young grapevinesspider mitesorspider miteIn a garden where there is a relative biological balance, these pests should not pose much of a threat as they have natural enemies. Aphids are combated by:
- ladybugs,
- earwigs,
- spiders.
However, if they occur in high intensity, selective preparations should be used (Aztek, Apollo, Pirimor, Pirimix). Ladybugs can be lured by spraying the vines once a week with slightly sweetened water (half a tablespoon of sugar per liter of water).To lure earwigs, hang upside down and stuffed straw in the bushes. they move into such "houses". However, you have to watch if they will not become fruit eaters.
We'll get rid of the speleothem by spraying at the end of April. (Image: W. Pusz) |
The larvae of spider mites and unsightly are eaten by the predatory pharynx species Typhlodromus pyri. It can be purchased from companies that specialize in promoting natural methods of fighting pests.
Mycelium of powdery mildewwinters in grapevine buds and freezes in more severe winters. Leaf infections begin in spring after vegetation has started. The symptom is a powdery coating on the leaf surface. It can also appear on fruit and shoots. Observe the plants closely and remove infected fragments. As a preventive measure, it is worth using the Omni Protect spray.
However, if the disease is severe, the following preparations can be used: Tiotar 800 SC / 80 WP, Ipotar 600 SC at a concentration of 0.3% (3 ml / liter of water).We start spraying as soon as mildew symptoms appear and repeat them every 7-10 days.
Downy mildewcan infect all parts of the vine. Oily spots appear on young leaves on the upper side of the lamina 2 weeks after infection. On the lower side of the plate you can see a white, dense, felt coating.On older leaves, symptoms appear as small, irregular, angular and dying spots delimited by the main leaf veins. The infection develops very quickly on warm, cloudy and rainy days.
Fighting this disease is very difficult.It is better to cultivate varieties tolerant or resistant to downy mildew or to apply preventive spraying, starting after flowering and repeating it every 2 weeks.We use the following preparations: Konkret 50 WP (0.3-0.4% ), Dithane Neo Tec 75 WG (0.2-0.3%), Manconex 80 WP (0.2-0.3%) or Miedzian 50 WP / 80 WG (0.25%). A concentration of 0.1% means that we dissolve 1 ml or 1 g of the preparation in 1 liter of water.
Downy mildew develops the fastest on warm (approx. 20 ° C) and rainy days. (Image: W. Pusz) |
Gray mold , or rot in the fruit of a grapevine, can destroy a large percentage of the crop. Fighting the disease is difficult and it cannot be 100% sure to completely eradicate it.We can only limit it. Therefore, let's try to grow varieties with high resistance to this disease.
There are no preparations registered to fight gray mold on grapevines in the fruit plant protection program, but suitable substitutes can be found. Protective spraying is performed during the flowering of the vines and before the fruit is harvested.
It should be remembered that in amateur cultivation we perform chemical protection as a last resort, strictly observing the grace periods (the time from treatment to fruit harvesting is given on the preparation label).
In Poland, it is best to grow varieties that withstand temperatures lower than -25 ° C. The following vines are particularly recommended: 'Alwood', 'Marechal Foch', 'Ontario', 'Swenson Red', 'Alden', 'Aurora, Bianca', 'Cascade', 'Einset Seedless', 'Seyval Blanc'.
Varieties that can withstand temperatures down to -25 ° C require winter covering or protection with several layers of paper.Such shoots should be detached from the structure, properly trimmed, bent to the ground and covered.Fir branches are also perfect for such a cover.