It is worth remembering that you have to wait several or even several years to restore the crown.Salix willow, small-leaved linden Tilia cordata, broad-leaved linden Tilia platyhhylos, as well as Canadian poplar Populus canadensis the crown plays quite fast.
However, in other genera, such as Acer pseudoplatanus, Robinia pseudoacacia or Ulmus, this process takes a long time, sometimes it is fruitless.This is because the types of these trees are not capable of recreating the removed limbs and branches, and often, several years after the treatment, whole fragments of the trunk and the remaining limbs die off.
X-ray of the crown or its reduction can be done, provided that we determine in advance that the trees may interfere with, for example, overhead lines, obstruct car or pedestrian traffic, or grow too close to buildings, damaging their facades or preventing access to lights.
When performing this type of procedure, remember not to remove more than 30% of the entire vegetative mass of the crown during a single crown reduction. Too radical pruning contributes to the disturbance of the tree's physiological processes and also increases the probability of wound infection.
The tree, after such a radical cut, puts all its energy into the process of developing new shoots from dormant buds.Crown reduction should be spread over several years, preferably two to three cuts at intervals 1-2 years old, but not every year.
Cutting should be kept to the minimum necessary.We should not remove larger living branches or a few next to each other, because such wounds heal very badly and can be fatal for older trees.
Branches colliding with overhead lines should be shortened.Each such treatment must be performed just above the live branch or the shoot to be preserved.Wounds from the removed branches should be properly secured.
Systematic pruning will prevent trees from colliding with power poles and, moreover, they will not prevent pedestrians from moving freely. Uncut, dangling branches are often a threat to human he alth and life.
New look of the old spruce
Trees are also often in the way of traffic, but it is important to keep branch removal to a minimum. With stronger cutting of the branches from the side of the road (more than 20%), you should absolutely remember to balance the mass from the opposite side by loosening the rest of the crown.
This is very important, because the air currents inside the trees, often moving at high speed, caused by the fast movement of large vehicles, cause strong centrifugal turbulence and, as a result, trees with unbalanced crowns set high above the ground are at risk of breaking.