Practical Gardener: tasks for the first days of autumn

Ornamental Garden: Dark accents on the autumn discount

In autumn, among yellow rudbeckia andslopesorred divisionsvery dark ones will be a great variety, purple and black accents. This color can be introduced in autumn by planting plants with dark colored leaves, e.g.Koleus Blumego'Dark Star'. We can also meet black beauties among flowers. One cannot but mention the black tulip, which has long been adreamandsource inspirationmany, no onlyDutch , breeders.Their efforts led to the breeding of very dark varieties. The best known is 'Queen of Night', but purple-black flowers are also found among theparrot varieties,e.g. 'Black Parro t'.

Among theplants bulbous plants , apart from tulips, such flowers have Persian chessboard and black purple garlic. Verydark flowerscan also be found in iris. Almost black flowers with a velvety sheen are distinguished, for example,Viola hornedViola cornuta 'Callisto Black',Geranium żałobnyGeranium phoeum, especially in the 'Samobor' variety with a dark pattern on the leaves androdochiton black-purpleRodochiton atrosanguineus .

In turn, the seed heads of brown-black color are created byrozplenica AmericanPennisetum americanum 'Black Knight ’.

Balconies and Terraces: How to prepare pelargonium seedlings

Best for seedlings are the tops of 10 cm long shoots with a few leaves. Cut them 0.5 cm under the knot perpendicular tostem , removebottom leavesandflower buds floraland leave them for a few hours to make spacecuts dryPrepare flat boxes with moist river sand, which should be previously rinsed with water 2-3 times.seedlings putinslightly beaten sanddeep. 2 cm and cover with perforated foil. A good rooting medium is a mixture of peat and perlite.

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Pelargonie (Photo:

Place the boxes in a bright, but not strong,sunny place place Roots are formed after 2-3 weeks at 20-22 ° C. Plant the rooted cuttings in pots of 2-3. Peat and clay with a pH of 5.5-6.0, enriched with a slow-release fertilizer, are a good substrate.

Trees and Shrubs: Briar blooming in autumn

Marsh BriarErica tetralix is ​​a short shrub, 20 cm high, with thin, flat shoots. It blooms from July to September. Numerous varieties are known in Poland, including: 'Alba Mollis' withwhite flowersandsilvery gray leaves,'Con Underwood' with carmine red flowers and the cultivar 'Helma' with lilac pink flowers.

Scattered briar Erica vagans also blooms in late summer, reaching up to 30 cm. Pink flowers develop from July toOctoberThis species is quite sensitive to frost and requires protection for the winter, preferably with sprigstreesandshrubs conifers A popular variety is' Mrs. D. F. Maxwell's dark cherry blossoms. The soil for heather cultivation should be acidic with a highshare organic organicHigh peat is used as an additive, decomposed fine bark and sawdust.

You can also use litter frompine forestsandheathlandsThe soil should have a pH of 4.0-5.5.briar swampyandscatteredplant at a distance of 30-40 cm. Before planting, loosen the root ball quite a lot, because the dense roots on the edges of the pot create an impermeable layer for water and new roots.

Vegetable: Growing vegetables wintering in the ground

In autumn, we start growing vegetables, the crops of which we will not harvest until spring. From mid-September to mid-October, sowcommon spinach seeds directly into the ground,in rows every 20-25 cm. Before winter arrives, plants should produce 3-4 leaves.

Ready-to-eat spinach is harvested inAprilandMay.Recommended varieties are 'Markiza F1', 'Winter Giant'. In regions with milder climates, we can also grow lettuce wintering in the field. Seeds (cultivars 'Nansena') are sown on the seedbed at thebeginning of the monthso that after about 4 weeks you will get a seedling ready for permanent planting ( preferably quiet, sheltered from cold winds).

The plants are planted at a distance of 20x20 cm. This way of growing lettuce allows you to getin spring headseven a dozen or so days earlier compared tothe traditional spring growing date .

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