Practical Gardener: January preparations for the season

Ornamental garden: Where is the best place to plant knotweed and thirst?

Knotweed related to Bistorta affinis syn. Persicaria affinis, Polygonum affine comes from Nepal and is a carpet perennial with elliptical-lanceolate dark green leaves 5-10 cm long, which before winterdiscolor themselves na brownIts tiny pink-red flowers are gathered in dense spikes, and the inflorescence shoots are 20 cm high. Perennial bloomslong , frommid summertoautumngood grows in a slightly shaded position, onlime-free ,humusandmoderately moist

Plants can be planted in rock gardens, in flower beds, they also look nice betweenshrubs , especiallyconifersUnfortunately, in harsh, snowless winters its leaves freeze and new ones do not develop untilmiddle springTherefore, although it is a ground cover plant, it is not recommendedfill large surface

Siberian Pragnia Waldsteinia ternata from the Rosaceae family grows wild in EasternEuropeiAsia LesserCreates dense carpets of overlappingshootsanddark green ,smooth ,triple leavesThe flowers are yellow, cup-shaped, resemble wild strawberry flowers, although they have a different color. Blooms profusely inApril ,MayPragnia is an unrefined plant, it grows well in semi-shaded and shady places, on evenbarren soil andperiodically dry It belongs to the vigorous, typicallyground cover perennials , easy to grow.

It can be successfully used on large surfaces, e.g. in gardens or parks between trees. Also suitable forSkarpaandSkalniakiLooks nice in the neighborhoodillusions wiosennej,yellow gamekeeper , ferns or sedges. It reproduces by division and withcuttings runners

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Rdest pokrewny Bistorta affinis (Photo:

Under glass: Exotic Japanese Aukuba, easy to grow

It isalways green shrub , up to 2 m tall, with leaveselliptical ,elliptical , green uspeciesandyellow-gold , marbledorspottedvarieties, e.g.'Variegata', 'Picturata', 'Crotonifolia'. Aukuba is easy to grow. It grows well in anyhumus substrateIn summer it can stand outdoors in a sheltered, semi-shaded to shady place (beautifully decoratesterraces ,atria , entrances tobuildings , largebalconies ), in winter a bright and cool winter garden (temperature 4-8 °C). You do not need to hurry with bringing to the rooms, becauseplants can tolerate light froststo -5°C.

They are watered moderately, and fromspringtomid Augustmore, and more 4 weeks fed with fertilizer. MostAukubaredioecious , so to keep the decorativeorange-red fruit, you need to grow one male and one female plant. However, it is worth remembering that herdecorative berriesarepoisonous

Flowers at home: We transplant orchids

Orchids are transplanted in the first weeks after flowering. Specimens with several leaf tufts can besplitandblown outfor this purposelump rootcarefully remove from the pot. Ifthe rootsfit tightly to the sides, cut them with a knife. Gently tear the exposed shoots, then plant them in new containers filled withspecial substratefororchids

Pots should be slightly larger than those in which the mother plant was grown. Standard flower soil is not suitable for orchids due to its high contentpeatWwinter careplantsthe most important thing is watering and tying the shoots. We irrigate regularly, but only when the substrate is dry. Orchids aretropical epiphytesthat like warmth and feel best at temperatures above 20 ° C. In winter, we power themmoderately

Trees and shrubs: Secure plants with tied flower buds

These are shrubs and trees that bloom on last year's shoots, hibernating with flower buds already set. These include:magnolias , fragrant viburnum,viburnum Japanese ,English viburnum ,witch hazel intermediate , garden hydrangea,peony woody In winter, the shoots,budsandrootsof these plants may freeze. To protect their root system, put a 40 cm layer on the soilbranches trees conifersor 20-cm a layer of sawdust and bark. We secure the aboveground part of the young specimens withmulchzestrawornonwovens

Let's not forget about watering in winter!

Watering is a very important procedure, especially in snowless winters. Especiallyyoung plants , with a poorly developed root system, are very sensitive to water shortages, especially in thelong-term period drought We water not too often, but abundantly, about 8-10 l of water per plant, so that the water reaches thesystem rootIt is important to water the plants growing in containers placed onterracesandbalconies,where no rainwater comes in.

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