Practical Gardener: Picnic in the garden

Planting flowering perennials in spring

We are finally here! The arrival of the spring season has become a fact, and that means it's time to plant perennials. The quality of the substrate is of key importance for the success of cultivation, so before planting, the soil should be thoroughly loosened to a depth of 30-40 cm. Planting holes must be two or even three times larger than the pot.In order for perennials to take root better, the container should be placed in a water bath for about 10 minutes before planting.Cut the root tips only when the root ball is strongly overgrown.We should also remember that we plant perennials to the same depth as they grew in pots.

Decorative garden: how to care for bulbous plants

One of the most wonderful garden decorations at this time of year are flowering bulbs, especiallytulips ,hyacinthsandnarcissusWhen cutting their flowers into a vase, remember to leave as many leaves as possible - tulips are cut with two leaves, and daffodils and hyacinths without leaves. In addition, fading flowers should be removed to avoid seed setting.It is best to cut only the heads, without the stems, in which photosynthesis also takes place. During this time, the leaves and stalks nourish the bulbs.This process ends when the leaves begin to dry out. This is a "critical" period in the cultivation of bulbs - their yellowing leaves not only do not decorate, but even disfigure flower beds.

Therefore, already in April, it is worth thinking about plants that, as they grow larger, will cover the bulbous plants in June.For this purpose, you can sow the seeds of fast-growing and early-flowering annual ground cover plants -smagliczki seasideLobularia maritima and dressshield Iberis umbellata. You can also plant biennial plants between onion sets -pansies ,daisyor forget-me-nots.

Balconies and terraces in April

Replanting plants

Even at the beginning of April, you can replant plants stored over the winter, or just replace the top layer of soil in containers with plants, being careful not to damage the roots.

Fertilization and watering

We start fertilizing more intensively and regularly watering balcony plants that winter indoors, which will guarantee the intensity of their flowering during the summer.This applies, for example, to fuchsia, brugmansji (datura), Rantonetta nightshade, eared leaden, jasmine nightshade, Chinese rose and others.

Care of plants from shoot cuttings

Young geraniums, fuchsia, verbena, lanthanas, trefoils, diascias, bush silvering and other plants propagated by shoot cuttings are regularly watered and fertilized. It is also worth hardening them, i.e. exposing them to fresh air for a few hours, so that they strengthen and are more easily accepted after transplanting into boxes.

Fertilizing lawns

Intensively mowed and used lawns require equally careful and intensive fertilization. It is recommended to use 2-4 kg of compound fertilizer per 100 m2, and up to 8 kg for intensive mowing.Divide the dose of fertilizer into 3 parts: the first in spring, the second in summer, in June, and the last in early September. When supplying the lawn with nitrogen fertilizers, remember that the last dose of fertilizer should be applied in September at a dose not exceeding 1-2 kg per 100 m2.

Later application of nitrogen fertilizers causes more abundant growth and extension of vegetation, which favors the infestation of grasses by diseases and pests.There are multi-component fertilizers available on the market, which should be applied 4-5 times a season.After fertilization, the lawn should be intensively watered.Loose fertilizers are sprinkled with special seeders, ensuring even and precise seeding the lawn. When sowing fertilizers by hand, divide the dose of fertilizer into two equal parts and sow them successively in two crossing directions.

Organic fertilizers, apart from nutrients, provide humus valuable for the soil. They also contribute to improving the physical properties of the soil.The most valued and available and easy to obtain is compost, mature and without weed seeds.It is sprinkled with an even layer of gr. 0.5 - 1 cm, on a previously raked lawn in spring. Before using the compost, it is worth sifting through a reef with a mesh size of 1 cm, which will facilitate its spreading and decomposition.

Trees and shrubs: caring for the moor

Spring trimming of heathers and heaths consists in cutting out only faded inflorescences. This cut should be made about half an inch below the last inflorescence. Cutting too hard can cause whole plants to die.Trim the marsh briar and holm heather in mid-April, the red and Darleian briar - in late April, and the common heather - in mid-May.On the moor it is necessary to supplement the acidic high peat.

In spring, fertilization is carried out at a dose of 30-50 g / 1 m2 of slow-acting compound fertilizer. Fast-acting fertilizers containing a lot of nitrogen should not be used. On the moorland, we do not dig the soil, because this treatment will damage the root system and lead to the death of entire plants.

Vegetable in April

We sow legumes

In the first decade of the month, we sow peas and broad beans. Pea seeds are sown at a distance of 20-30 x 3-4 cm, while broad beans - 40 - 10 cm.It is worth thinking about supports for peas of varieties with long stems.The beans do not need to be supported .

Break radish and radish

We sow the seeds of radish and radish in rows every 20 cm, and when the seedlings appear, make an intermission, leaving the radish in the row every 3 cm, and the radish every 10 cm.

Emergence of carrots and parsley

From the beginning of April, we plant carrots and parsley. These species have a fairly long emergence period, during which weeds often appear which make it difficult to maintain.Experienced gardeners know the old and proven method of mixing the seeds of these vegetables with the seeds of lettuce or radish and sowing them together.Lettuce and radish, as fast emerging plants, will mark the rows in which the carrot or the radish grows. parsley.

This will make it easier to carry out various work in the inter-row spaces, e.g. weeding and loosening the soil. After the carrot (parsley) emerges, remove the seedlings of companion plants and make a break. Carrots are grown 30 x 2-3 cm apart, and root parsley - 25-30 x 4-6 cm.

Spring onions and garlic cloves

At the beginning of the month, we plant spring garlic cloves and a spring onion.

Red beet seeds for soil

In mid-April, we sow red beet seeds into the ground. Recommended varieties for early harvest are: 'Red Ball', 'Crosby', 'Egyptian'.

Seedling of cruciferous vegetables

Already in the first half of the month we can plant seedlings of early brassica vegetables, incl. kohlrabi, broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage, as well as lettuce and leek seedlings.After planting, it is good to cover the crop with perforated foil or white fleece.Remove the covers after 3-5 weeks.

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