Practical Gardener: numerous September duties

Decorative garden: Time to dig out plants that do not winter in the ground

Some bulb plants have to spend the winter in frost-free rooms. These aregladioli, dahlias, beadletsandtuberous begonias,as well as the lesser knowndiphtheria,tygrysówki ,cinnabar (Krokosmie)czyg altonieplants the underground organs of these plants it digs into the ground in spring, and digs up in September and October. This treatment should not be delayed, especially inrainyandcool weather , because in cold and wet soil some underground rots easily.In September, among others,onions sprekelii ,sprekeliiiŚnieżka paniculateand tubersglaucoma ,iksji ,sparaksisuand coronary anemone.

A little longer, for example, dahlia tubers,freesias ,gloriosisandcinnabar, may remain in the ground until October, g altonii bulbsandnerinyand rhizomesbead.Before digging up, cut the plant shoots 10-15 cm high, and then carefully kicks up. The excavated organs are stored for several days inwarmanddry room,and after drying it is cleaned of soil and dead debris, and then placed in openwork boxes or baskets.

Flower dalii (Photo:

Bulbs, tubers and rhizomes are kept in the temperature from +2 to 15OC throughout the winter. Some, e.g.washerworm onions, dahlia carpandgloriosis tubers,should be stored insawdust, peat dust orsand.

Balconies and terraces: In autumn, balconies can also be beautiful

If we want to create a beautiful autumn garden on a few square meters, let's be interested in plants that look nice in autumn and winter. There are a number of suggestions that are generally easy to implement, and gardeners and nurserymen offer plenty of showy plants. They include seasonal plants: Chinese aster andold man ash pan, pansies, Persian cyclamenandivy-leaved, delicate briarand various varieties of chrysanthemums and perennial plants, i.e. perennials, such as:bushy asterandsedum plant- blooming in autumn, as well as perennials with decorative leaves, also in autumn, such as:bugleberry ,lungwort, tiarella ,cranberry , varietiesfunkii ,sedge BuchananaihairandrozplenicaJapanese

You can also choose shrubs:heather commonigaulterię sentand dwarf or slow-growing deciduous and coniferous shrubs:cotoneaster horizontal'Variegatus',cotoneaster Dammera , Japanese skimmia, varietieseuonymusclimbing ,ivy common ,jułowiec commonin 'Compressa',juniper płożący'Glauca',jułowiec scaly'Blue Star', pine mountain pine'Mops' and 'Gnom', white spruce in the following varieties: 'Conica', 'Alberta Globe' and 'Nidiformis' orspruce commonin 'Little Gem' variation.

When choosing plants for our compositions, we should make sure that they have similar requirements, especially in relation to light. The pH of the substrate is also important. Remember thatheathers, heathers, junipersandgaulteriarequire acid soil.

Theepithet" gold " has grown permanently with the Polish autumn, so let's make sure that it fits well with the autumn on our balcony .

Trees and shrubs: Remove faded inflorescences of garden hydrangea

Garden hydrangea is a shrub that grows to a height of 1 m.Flowerslarge, gathered in magnificent spherical inflorescences, dia. 15-20 cm, they are formed a year earlier on last year's shoots. InAugustendsflowering,but then it forms a lotornamental seed headsmaroon-green colors, which we can cut in September. Trimming is done by trimming them approximately 5-10 cm below the inflorescence.whole shootsare not cut because the shoots have buds with tied inflorescences for the next year.

This hydrangea is extremely sensitive to low temperatures, so it should be planted in sunnyorsemi-shaded, sheltered fromfrosty winds . Requires protection for the winter.

Warzywniak: We collect these vegetables in late summer

WeSeptember digging up medium latevarieties of root vegetables -carrotandparsleyandred beet.Storage roots of these species(he althy, cleanedandafter cutting the tops)can be stored in a cool place, the cellar.We finish the harvest of thermophilic pumpkin vegetables, especiallyzucchini,cucumber,melon, patison.We can wait untilOctober with a harvest of ordinary and gourds.

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We are eliminating the cultivation of ground tomatoes - we collect all the fruits, both fully ripe andgreenandlit. Unripe tomato fruits are suitable for preserves (e.g.salad dinner).We also collectpaprika during this time

We collect cabbage heads for the whole monthmedieval ,we cut roses cauliflowerandbroccoli , which we planted in the summer. Also suitable for consumption areleaves kale .

Common onion grown from sowing should be harvested when it hasbrokenchivesanddry leavesOnions can be stored for several months after they have been dried and removed from the leaves. WeSeptember we collectstill juicyvegetables leafy- leafy varietiesbeetrooticelery ,parsleyas well aslettuceiendiewie ,spinach New Zealand

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