Practical Gardener: field maple for formed hedges

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Field maple Acer camestre is considered to be the best species of the genus maple for forming hedges.It has small, lobed leaves with blunt or rounded flaps.In autumn they turn yellow. This native species grows quite slowly, often bushy in youth.

Prefers sunny or slightly shaded positions, is largely resistant to environmental pollution and periodic droughts.Established hedges of this species can be formed up to a height of about 3 meters. Has low soil requirements, grows poorly in very dry or wet soils.

It is best to plant 2-3-year-old seedlings on the hedge in early spring in one row at a distance of at least 1 meter from the plot border, and plants in a row every 40 centimeters.

Shrub formation and pruning is best done in late spring, when we shorten one-year increments, or in late summer, in August.Avoid early spring pruning, especially thick limbs and branches, because the wounds are "crying".

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