Practical Gardener: how to prevent blueberry leaf chlorosis

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One of the first symptoms that may indicate improper acidity isleaf chlorosis .It is easy to recognize because young growths turn pale to a light yellow color .

The fastest way to restore the proper acidity of the soil by adding ground sulfur to the substrate. We mix it gently with the top layer of the soil, remembering that blueberries have a shallow root system.Ground sulfur is most often used to reduce the acidity of the soil.

Properly support the soil and better blueberry development:

In garden shops you can also find granulated sulfur, which is easier to sow. Blueberry leaf chlorosis can also be the result of iron or manganese deficiency.The delivery of micronutrients by soil via the roots may take up to several months.

In order to quickly replenish the deficiencies, we should apply foliar fertilization in the form of a spray. Compound fertilizers with elementsare best suited for this purpose.
in the form of a chelate.These fertilizers are slightly more expensive than standard foliar fertilizers, but their effectiveness is much higher.Often after one or two spraying, the symptoms of chlorosis disappear.

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