Practical Gardener: active mid-August

Garden: Water Drop

Drops Waternot only bring life to plants in the garden, but also involve physical phenomena. On sunny days, we can observe the play ofwaterandlightFine drops scattered in the air act like a prism, scattering white light into component colors corresponding to individual wavelengths. The shortest waves arepurple , while the longestred

The play of colors can be visible not only in the form of a rainbow in the sky, but also on a smaller scale, e.g.when sprinkling the garden. On the other hand, the drops of water remaining on the petals and leaves act aslenses ,focusing lightThis often leads to plant burns. Therefore, when watering, direct the water stream onto the soil, taking care thatnot soak leaveswith sprinklers on sunny days, watering the plants in the afternoon hours should be avoided.

Balconies and terraces: Colorful decorative leaves

The offer of "leafy beauties" has recently expanded to include numerous plants withcompact growthThese are mostly already known plants, but enriched with many attractive varieties that significantly increase the possibilities of color combinations, e.g.koleusBlumego Solenostemon scutellarioides orwilec potatoIpomea batatas (varieties withdifferent colorinclude 'Light Green', 'Bronze', 'Purple' and 'Red')

Koleus has leaves incolors fire- from yellow-orange to red and maroon. This plant is easy to grow - it can grow in light shade, although it prefers sunny places where it becomes more intensediscolorationLikes soillight ,permeable , because it cannot tolerate excess moisture in the soil. Reacts to the overflowbrowninganddrying up leaves

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Koleus Blumego (Photo:

Its new varieties include: ' Freckles"with creamy-yellow leaves with brown and orange streaked discoloration,' Sedona 'with copper-colored leaves,'Texsas Parking'with leaves that change color depending on the amount of sunlight - brick-red in the shade and pink in the sun,'Juliet Quartermain'with purple-spotted, crimped leaves, dark purple'Dark Star ' i'Pineaplette Red'with red-burgundy leaves with nicely framed edges.In addition to these varieties, there are also varieties with leaves with green discoloration: ' W alter Turner ', ' Combat'i'Mission Gem'.

Perennials are increasingly used in containers. Among them there are also species with decorative leaves, such as:cranberriesHeuchera,tiarelleTiarella, and recently also their hybrid -heucherellaHeucheralla,LungwortPulmonaria,tongue ,bugle rozłogowa ,grassesandsedgesand someherbs

Orchard: Planting shrubs always green

August is the planting month of some ornamental, always green shrubs, such asEuonymusFortune,Laurowiśnia Eastern ,barberrypapillary and julianna,ivycommon,boxwoodevergreen, irgaDammera,viburnumstiff-leaved,fireflyscarlet,hollyspiky,drywoodchinese, genera and broom,euonymusclimbing.When planting shrubs always green from the heather family, such as:dabecjaCantabrian,gaulteriarozesłana, viburnum,kalmialarge-leaved and narrow-leaved,bunionlaurel,larchordinary,pierisAmerican and Japanese,rhododendrons ,heathercommon,heather , remember that they require acidic soil.

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Irga (zdj .:

Shrubs that are always green keep their leaves year-round and evaporate water in winter. In August, they finish their growth and enter thephase dormancyPlanted in August, they will have time to take root, which will make it easier for them to overwinter. They take water even in winter, as long as the ground is not frozen. Shrubsshould be planted in a quiet place, the position carefully prepared and the soil enriched with nutrients.After planting, the plants must be watered well.

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