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Like every owner of a pond, I take care of keeping it clean. So I installed a special water purification kit. It consists of:
- pump located at the bottom of the tank,
- connecting hoses,
- a plastic container with filters through which the pumped water goes back to the pond.
The filter container itself is not nice, so I tried to hide it somehow. At first I put stones on it. This solution, however, had a major drawback - access to the device was limited. And yet I had to take out the container every now and then to rinse the filters! I needed another way to disguise it.Finally, I figured out that I would build a miniature and hide the water filters in it.
Hive-shaped water filter cover
- My hive has a removable side wall and a floor that can be pulled out on roller guides (photo A). This makes it easier for me to remove and insert the filter container.
- Water flows from the structure through an opening in the wall of the hive (photo B), then it moves along a gutter made of two slats and hits the so-called dugout (photo C). Where does this name come from? Well, once in the countryside, farmers picked out a part of the wood by hand from a pole cut in half. This is how the first gutters were created. I dug my dugouts with an ordinary angle saw.
- I set the last gutter in such a way that the water falls into the pond from a certain height. In this way, it oxygenates fish and vegetation. In addition, the sound of flowing water perfectly relaxes the household members and guests relaxing in the garden. Oczko has become a kind of water park for many species of birds.
Jarosław Radziszewski