Useful and beautiful Amaranth (Amaranth)

Seedsamaranthserved the Yagui Indians for cult purposes - they were sacrificed to the gods of war and rain. During such rituals, among others, bread made of amaranth flour with the addition of human blood. In the opinion ofIncas, AztecsandMayansamaranth dishes made warriors stronger and brave and increased their potency the sex of men. Various speciesamaranthwere the staple crops for the Indians alongsidecorn ,plants legumes ,cottonandmelonsYoung plants served as vegetables and seasoning.

Amarantus and its properties

Szarłat( amaranthus ) belongs to the Amaranthaceae family. Its height varies from 0.3 to 3 m. The inflorescences are straight and hanging, short and more than 50 cm long. The stems and leaves can be green, red, purple or multi-colored. The inflorescences aregolden ,green ,pink ,red ,purpleup to brown. Most species of amaranth are weeds, such as the rough amaranth A. retroflexus. Cultivated species include A. hypochondrianus, A. cruentus, A. caudatus, A. hybridus.

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Szarłat (zdj .:

In Poland, A. cruentus can be grown for seeds, which are used inbakery , but most of all have valuable healing properties.Apart from cultivated forms and weeds, there are also typically ornamental species, such asamaranth zwisłyA. caudatus,amaranth straightA. hybridus czyamaranth tricolorA. tricolor.

Amaranth seeds contain a lot of protein (17.8%) with a very beneficial amino acid composition for humans. Amaranth protein is high inlysineandamino acids sulfurand easily digestibleiron andCalciumSeeds contain less cholesterol and no gluten. Due to the low content of gluten, the seeds of amaranth can be used in the diet of patients with celiac disease and for the production of baby food. Amaranth leaves can be eaten raw or cooked in the form ofcasserolesormousseThe taste and iron content after cooking are comparable to spinach. The content of vitamin C ranges from 60 to 300 mg / 100 g of dry mass, and the content of beta carotene from 35.3 to 53.1 mg / 100 g of dry matter.m.

Seeds contain more fiber than e.g.bran oatIn the group of cereal crops, amaranth is distinguished bythe highest contentFat(7.2%). Amaranth flour as an additive to wheat flour improves thebaking properties breadSqualene obtained from amaranth seeds is used as an additive to bread and in the cosmetics industry. There is much more squalene in amaranth seeds than incottonseed ,corn oilorolive oil(0.1 -0.7%).

Amaranth breeding and care

Grays bloom from July to September, they are thermophilic plants that are sown in heated, carefully cultivated soil after May frosts. In some years sowing is delayed even untilbeginnings JuneThe most important treatment incare amaranthis weeding in the first period of plant growth.Amaranth seeds germinate for quite a long time (up to 10-12 days) and during this time it is very importantremoval weedsNo herbicides should be used in the cultivation of amaranth, because these plants are very sensitive to substances contained inherbicidesAnother very important thing is to remove the rough amaranth from the immediate area, because this weed may cross with cultivated and ornamental forms.

Amaranth is resistant to the most common diseases and pests, sometimes the stems have spot spotsstemsPhomopsis amaranthicola androt twardzikowaSclerotinia sclerotiorum, but these diseases are more important only in production plantations. In gardens there may beleaf spot caused by several species of fungi and single aphid colonies. There is no need to perform any chemical treatments as diseases and pests are low in intensity.

Due to its nutritional and healing properties, amaranth is more and more widely used in the production offood foodandfeedfor animalsThe return to natural medicine made people interested in growing amaranth again. Amaranth is also a beautiful and originalplant ornamentalwhich is suitable for gardens of all kinds.

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