Currant agrest

Currant agrest Ribes nidigrolaria is a hybrid of two species: blackcurrant and gooseberry. Their crossing was difficult and at first the breeders did not manage to do so.It was only in the 1950s that a new species was obtained in Germany - currant agrest, which was called 'Josta'.The 'Croma' variety is also available for sale.

Currant shrubs resemble blackcurrant bushes, although they grow stronger (even up to 2 m). Stems are straight, stiff, thicker, thornless.Leaves are similar to gooseberries, dark green, shiny, remaining on the bush until late autumn, fragrant similar to blackcurrant leaves.

The species blooms early, like a gooseberry, and the flowers are similar to those of a currant. The fruits, 2-3 times larger than the blackcurrant fruit, with slight furrow, are gathered in short clusters of 3-5 almost black ones. They ripen in the first half of July. The flesh is greenish and juicy, sour.After harvesting, the fruit can be stored for 2-4 days in the refrigerator.They taste great both raw and in preserves.

The bushes begin bearing fruit early and the yield is abundant (up to 4-6 kg per bush). After ripening, the fruit does not fall off, so it can be harvested successively. Currant agrest fruits contain sugars, organic acids, mineral s alts, vitamins C and A, anthocyanins, pectins.They have pro-he alth properties - pectins cleanse the body, and vitamin C and anthocyanins neutralize free radicals responsible for many diseases and aging.

Growing currant agrest is easy, the shrubs are undemanding to the substrate, they even tolerate wetlands or sands, but in such sites their growth is weaker. The optimal conditions for the plant are fertile, slightly acidic soil, with regulated humidity conditions, and a sunny position.

Resistance of currant agrest to diseases

Currant agrest is frost-resistant, as well as disease and pest resistance.Rarely infected with gooseberry and currant diseases: white currant rust, leaf fall and powdery gooseberry mildew.In the event of their attack, it is recommended to spray with sulfur preparations or garden soap with the addition of herbs, e.g. garlic.

Plants are planted every 1.5-2 m due to vigorous growth. Sold in containers, they can be planted all season, and bare-rooted ones are best planted in spring. In order to enrich the substrate, when planting into the hole, add manure or compost. Shrubs are usually grown in the form of a bush or as a tree grafted on a trunk.After planting, it is good to shorten the shoots to 3-4 eyes, which will result in densification and shaping of the plant.

Currant agrest likes a strong cut

Due to their vigorous growth, shrubs require strong pruning.The flower buds of the agrest currant are formed on annual shoots, as in the case of black currant, therefore the cutting technique is the same as for the mentioned species - cutting out shoots older than four years old, which are no longer productive.

Bushes tend to be overly thickened, so cut them regularly, every year, leaving a few shoots on the bush.

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