Ostróżki are among the most magnificent and beautiful perennials. The most commonly cultivated larkspur, Delphinium cultorum, is represented by a number of hybrid varieties obtained as a result of crossing several species of delphiniums, incl. Delphinium elatum, Delphinium grandiflorum, Delphinium formosum.
All hybrid varieties of the larkspur are extremely effective, but have high requirements.They grow best in deeply cultivated, plump, fertile, humus and non-acid soil.
During the growing season, they require a substrate that is moderately moist, and not flooded in winter. The larkspur is suitable for a sunny or slightly shaded position.In the shade, they grow too much, bloom poorly or even not at all.
The plants should be fed in spring (once or twice, depending on the fertility of the soil) with a multi-component fertilizer, taking care that the dose of the fertilizer is not too high, because they are sensitive to excess s alt in the substrate.
Very tall varieties, creating magnificent inflorescences, must be tied up, because the shoots bend strongly under the influence of wind and rain, and even break off.Cutting faded inflorescences at a height of 15 centimeters above the ground is an important care step.This way we will force the plants to flower again. They bloom for the second time in September, a bit weaker, but they still look impressive.