Horseradish is a perennial vegetable, but most often it is used in cultivation as an annual plant propagated by root cuttings.To
next season, gather thick horseradish roots, be sure to get seedlings properly.
The best for this purpose are annual side roots 20-25 cm long and 1-2 cm in diameter, harvested in the fall.It is important to mark the polarity of the cuttings - in commercial production, the top part is cut perpendicularly (leaves will grow out of it), and the bottom part diagonally. Remove the finer lateral roots from them well.
The length of the cuttings is important as they will only grow in thickness after planting. We store root cuttings just like other root vegetables, e.g. in a box with slightly moist sand.In spring or autumn, we plant them diagonally in sandy loam soil, covering the top with approx. 3 cm of the substrate.Choose a fairly sunny or slightly shaded position.
Depending on whether you want these vegetables for direct consumption or for storage, you should collect them at the right time.Of course, we collect late varieties when they reach the desired size and color.
In the case of carrots, harvest date is determined by the color changing yellowish or reddening. Root vegetables can be stored in boxes with slightly damp sand, but before that, the leaves should be removed from the crops and soil residues removed to reduce the occurrence of diseases.