Advice: how to protect bulbs that do not winter in the ground

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During storage of storage organs (tubers, bulbs, rhizomes) of perennial plants that do not winter in the ground, such as: dahlia, beadwort, tuberous begonia, gladiolus and others, pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi) may develop .They are dragged with plant material from the garden and spread to (so far) he althy bulbs and tubers.

To preserve he althy plant material, we need to remember a few rules:

1.The storage room for underground plant organs should be disinfected (e.g. walls whitewashed with lime) and ventilated to maintain the temperature of 5-10 ° C and adequate humidity air.

2.We store he althy material, which we must take care of in advance, eliminating diseased parts from cultivation, and even whole plants with a lump of soil.

3.Dug out tubers, bulbs and rhizomes in a timely manner and when there is no rainfall (preferably on a sunny and windy day), then dry and clean from adhering soil (except for canna) and leaf debris.

Gladiolus require quick drying, and only then cleaning. It is also worth trying to dry them (chemical protection).

4.Dahlia tubers, tuberous begonias and gallton bulbs should be placed in clean, disinfected, openwork boxes and sprinkled with peat, sand or sawdust.We store the rhizomes of the canna with a lump of earth, gladiolus tubers, acidanthers and cinnabar sprouts in a thin layer in openwork boxes.

Storage in perforated foil bags is also recommended.In winter, we check them several times whether they are he althy and have good storage conditions.

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