Q:How to keep dahlias over the winter?
O:Dahlias are dug up after the first frost. Then the above-ground part is cut 8-10 cm above the root.The whole carp is stored in a dry and cool room (3-10˚C) over the winter, covered with peat, sawdust or sand to protect it from drying out.
During winter, the condition of stored tubers should be checked. If you notice that they dry out, sprinkle the peat with water. Remember to protect them from freezing. In May, before planting, too large stumps are split so that each part has at least one well-developed bud at the apex.
Q:How do I store and maintain my gunnera over the winter?
O:Gunnera giant - parzeplin (Gunnera manicata) is an exceptionally majestic perennial with huge shoots and leaves, under which a human can safely hide.It grows up to about 2.5 meters high and quickly grows in width.So it requires quite a lot of space. Gunnera comes from Brazil from damp and even wet locations.
In our climate, for the winter period, its carp requires thorough cover (it can withstand -20˚C) with a thick layer of oak or beech leaf litter (they are very durable and do not decompose for a long time).Before covering, the leaves are cut at the base.For very low temperatures, you can add some fermented manure to the leaf litter and cover it with bubble wrap.This will keep the plant warm. Young plants are better to overwinter in a pot in a cool room, mature specimens easily overwinter under cover.
Gunners like moist soil and are usually planted near ponds, although they can also grow on the lawn as a solitaire (remember to water abundantly in this case).