PiO: growing and caring for grasses in the fall

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P:I bought a beautiful grass called Pennisetum setaceum `Rubrum`. It grew beautifully throughout the season, but did not recover after the winter. Is it a perennial or maybe an annual grass?

O:Pennisetum Rozplenice come from warm regions of the world and are both perennial and annual plants. Some of the long-term, incl.rozplenica ostrichP. setaceum can withstandto -10˚C , but in winter they have to be kept indoors or annually propagate from seeds, or buy new cuttings.Species resistant to frost are among the species:rozplenica easternP. orientale,rozplenica zwisłaP. flaccidum irozplenica JapaneseP. japonicum.

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Rozpalenice Pennisetum (Photo: Fotolia.com)

P:I bought a grass called ophiopogon. How to grow it?

O:Ophiopogonisgrass-likeand an evergreen perennial. The variety `Black Dragon` is distinguished bydark purple leavesIn summer it blooms with pink and white bell-shaped flowers, from which it developsfleshy,spherical ,violet-black fruitRequires fertile, humus and well-drained soil and a semi-shaded site.In winter, it is better to cover it with leaves.

P:Recently I heard about microconchin grass. Is it actually better than grass alone? Can different varieties of Echinacea interbreed with each other and can I plant them next to each other without harming them? How to get rid of horsetail?

O:Mixtures of grass with microcontin were developed in England where they are very popular. They are winningcurrently market GermanThe clover that is part of the mixture is Trifolim repens var. pirouette, a variety half the size ofof the basic clover species.

Perfecttrimmingandfastfills in gaps in the grass. It's hard to say whether inour climate,which is not favorable forgrasses, the cloverwill not dominate the lawn.

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