PiO: cultivation of raspberries and raspberry berries

Growing raspberries and raspberries

Q:How do I grow the Tayberry variety? What to spray her with? I want to grow a Polka raspberry in a row. Will I do well if they lead it in a single, high lane without tying up shoots?

O:Raspberry 'Tayberry' creates strong plants with long, several meters high shoots. Does not produceroots rootReproduces bylayers apicalorcuttings herbaceousFruits only on two-year-old shoots.Fruit ripening begins in mid-July and usually lasts until mid-August. The fruits arelarge , ocylindrical shaped , have apleasant aroma and they aretastySuitable forprocessing homemade

If you are looking for proven and ecological remedies for pests, liquid manure and diseases, we recommend:

The plant is handled similarly to blackberries. You can use theform columnaras well ascolumnar form laneis a fan-shaped arrangement of shoots from each plant planted with the wire stretched at a height of about 1.5 m, with a spacing of 1.2-1.5 m. Afterplantingandafter attaching shootsto the wire, shorten them to a height of 1.6 m. After fruiting, all weak shoots are cut. Young shoots are tied to a wire stretched at a height of about 0.5 m. In late autumn, these shoots are placed onground along rowsandcover with mat straw

The columnar form consists in tying 5-6 shoots tostrong stakeandshortening them to a height 1.6 m. After harvesting the fruit, all 2-year-old shoots are removed, andyoung ones are tied to stakeThey are easy to cover in winter, creating chochołyThe spacing in this case isaround 1 m

The raspberry of the 'Polka' variety belongs to the group of raspberries that repeat fruiting, provided that the shoots from thelast yearare left.of all shoots after fruiting.Flowering date of young shoots does not coincide with the development of basic raspberry pests ( flowerandkistnika ), which ensureshe althy yield fruitwithout the need for spraying. These varieties do not require supports, they are free-standing.Thecare works are limited toonly cutting out the shoots once. 'Polka' begins to ripen at the turn of July and August and fruiting lasts until frost. The fruit remainsfresh for quite a long time after harvestStems grow up to 1.8 m in height.

Malinojeżyna, like other raspberries, is best done onsoils slightly kwaśnych ,fertile ,non-dryingsię inot flooded , evenperiodicallythe greatest the demand for nutrients occurs during the leaf unfolding period,floweringandsetting fruitThe most commonly used nitrogen fertilization iss altpeter ammoniumin a dose of 15-25 grams per 10 m2. The dose should be divided into two parts - half of it is spread at the beginning of the growing season in the early spring, the rest 3-4 weeks later (most often it is the second half of May or the beginning of June). From potassium fertilizers,sulfate potassiumis used, which is spreadinglate in autumn orearly in springat a dose of 10-15 grams per 10 m2.

Plant protection is used only on plants bearing fruit onbiennial shoots(in this case, raspberry). During the flowering period of raspberries, three sprays are usedagainst diseases fungalSpray before floweringinsecticidenakistnikaandkwieciakaThese preparations can also be used forfightingaphids , dosing them alternately, because these insects become resistantthey become resistant

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