PiO: fight with the grouse

Fighting stubborn weeds

P:On my lawn there is a curdybank vine that I cannot get rid of with known chemicals. What to do?

O:Glechoma hederacea is quite a persistent weed on the lawn, because it easily and quickly takes root and spreads thanks to the runners. It takes quite a long time to fight it.It is best to start spraying in spring, when the leaves are already developed, but still young and sensitive.

Selective preparations for dicotyledonous weeds should be used. Spraying should be repeated several times at intervals of about 10 days.

Let's free houseplants!

Q:When is it possible to take indoor plants outside?

O:Many species of houseplants like verandering, responding to favorable conditions with lush growth and flowering. These include oleander, mandevilla, bougainvillea, dracaena, ficus and many more.They can stand outside after the last spring frosts, that is after May 15.

Before they permanently stand on the porch, they have to go through a hardening process of putting them outside for longer periods every day and taking them home overnight.This way we will avoid losses caused by thermal shock.It is quite laborious, especially when there are many plants or they are large specimens.

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