PiO: readers' mysterious plants

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P:In April I brought a flower from Egypt and I have no idea what it's called. I looked everywhere for information, but no one knows what kind of plant it is. I put it into the ground, but it did not take root, but beautiful, wonderfully fragrant white-green flowers bloomed. Maybe the editorial office knows what this plant is called and how to care for it?

O:The described plant is Synadenium grandtii,shrub , partialsucculent , collecting water in thickened shoots. It belongs to the spurge family. In its homeland it reaches3-4 m in heightand2 m in width It grows best in full light and infertile ,loose ,permeable soil

Grown in containers,requires moderate watering . In winter, watering is limited to the minimum necessary. Withstands temperature drops down to 7-10ºC. It can be propagated from seedsin springor from herbaceous cuttingsin summer .

P:Recently, you can buy fruit called lychee in greengrocers. I only know their taste, but I would also like to know more about these fruits: where do they come from, do they grow on a bush or on a tree, can they be grown in Poland, how to reproduce them?

O:LycheeLitchi chinensis is a tree about 12 meters tall, with evergreen leaves and tiny yellowish flowers gathered in sumptuous top panicles. It blooms from February to April. In nature it is a dioecious plant, i.e.male flowersandfemaledevelop on separate specimens.Lychee creates a beautiful, shapely crown.

It is extremely long-lived - it lives up to 1000 years. It comes from southernChina , where it has been cultivated since ancient times. They are also grown in India,Taiwan , NortheastAustralia , Hawaii,Madagascar, inSouth Africa, Kenya, BrazilandUSA(Florida, Southern California).

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(zdj .: Fotolia.com)

One tree produces about 100-120 kg of fruit per year. Currently,single-stem plants,havingmale flowersandfemale are planted on the plantations.During the growing season, lychee requires a lot of hot climate, while at rest the temperature is approx.10 ° C. It does not tolerate frosts, therefore, in our conditions, we can grow themonly in containers , as a room plant, or put out in the garden in summer.

Lycheeeasily reproduces from seeds, but the obtained seedlings are of little value. Propagationvegetativeis difficult, but recently a method has been developed to rapidly multiply the shoots in in vitro cultures, i.e. agar medium in a glass vessel.

P:I have a very interesting plant, but unfortunately I don't know its name or how it is grown. The plant is a perennial, it has a root with an onion resembling a potato in spring. After planting into the ground, it releases individual leaves in dark spots on a light green stem. The leaves are also very interesting.

O:Dark spots are characteristic ofpalczeaSauromatum guttatum. It belongs to the Araceae picture family and comes from theHimalayas. This plant likes shaded and humid places. In nature, it grows on the shores of water. It can grow and bloom without soil for a while as the tubers contain a lot of water and supplies needed for development. The plant issensitive to low temperatures , so if it is grown in the garden, it must be taken home for the winter.Tubers are kicked outright after the first frost. They can be stored without soil at a temperature of about 5-10ºC.

Palczychacan also be grown in pots, butnote:flowers have a very unpleasant smell of rotting meat, which stops being released after a few days. The flower is made of a cob andspotted vagina surrounding it.The plant blooms when the tuber is of sufficient size. When it blooms, leaves appear. Throughout the period ofvegetationthe plant requires abundant watering and fertilizing every 2-3 weeks with multi-component mineral fertilizers. Duringrestwe stop fertilizing and watering.The tuber can be removed from the ground and stored in a cool room.

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