PiO: cultivation of acidanters, a hedge of thyme

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P:I would like to plant an acidanther in my garden. How is it grown?

O:The acidantery tubers are planted in April - May. They are placed about 8-10 cm deep and about 20 cm apart.Standshould besunnyBlooms inAugust ,SeptemberW during this time, do not forget about watering and fertilizing. 2-3 weeks after flowering, the bulbs are dug out of the ground, remove dried shoots and separatebulbs adventitiousthat will bloom in thesecond year The sick ones should be removed.

Onionsmust be dried and stored over the winter in a ventilated room at 10-20ºC. Acidantera is great as a cut flower - it develops in avaseto the last bud, but it doesn't smell asintenselyas ingarden

P:I planted a hedge of very nice thuys. How to take care of it so that it remains as nice as it is now?

O:Thuja are sensitive to the lack of water in the substrate. Planted in ahedge , they require systematicwateringandpoweras they compete with each other as they grow in high densities. In the case of hedges, fertilizerslong workingare the best fertilizers, which fall apart in the spring. These fertilizers gradually releasenutrients nutrientsas needed until autumnThey are more expensive than traditional fertilizers, but more effective because they avoid using them. both over-fertilization and malnutrition of plants.Besides, it is a one-time expense onwhole season

The soil in thearea hedgeshould be thoroughly weeded and mulched with bark, which reduces the growth of weeds as well as water evaporation fromarea earth .

P:Little black flies appeared in pots of houseplants. I think they are earthlings. How to fight them?

O: A good way to treat plants is to spray the plants with a home-made preparation from chamomile flowers and leaves:1-3 kg fresh plantspour 10 liters of hot water. After 12 hours, the liquid must be strained, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5. Spray the plants with the prepared solution.

Of course, you can also usespraying chemical preparation, the purpose of which is to fight insects.

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