PiO: winter storage of bulbs

P:Under what conditions are bulbs stored in winter that do not winter in the ground?

O:Bulbs that do not winter in the ground afterdiggingandcleaning from the groundmoves to a warmer room so that they can dry. After a dozen or so days, the underground organs are cleaned of the remains ofshoots ,leavesandrootsThe bulbs and tubers are also detached incomers. Onions withhuskcoveringare stored uncovered.

Fleshy plant roots and organs devoid ofhusk coveringwhich naturally protects them from drying out, like in nerin,ismeny ,sprekalii ,eukomisa ,Krokosmiiczytygrysówki , prevents it from drying out by covering it withpeatorsawdust

Most plants are kept at 5-10 ° C. Keep the tigers inat 2-5 ° C , while the eukomis wintersat 5-8 ° CIn the highest temperature, 15 ° C, paniculata winters . Rooms intended forwintering plants bulbousshould bedryandairyThe choice of the species we want to cultivate depends on the possibility of storing its organsunderground duringof winter

Care tips for bulbous plant varieties

- ShelteredPlejone formosianacan be stored outside in warm winters. Under unfavorable conditions, they can be moved with the ground to a frost-free room.

-Nerine bowdeniican be grown as a ground plant. In winter, it is thickly covered with compost or peat.

- OnionsPolianthes tuberosanot worth keeping, because they won't produce flowers a second time after they fade.

-Iksjain warm areas it can stay in the ground under a thick layer of bedding.

-Zephyranthes candidais the only species of its kind that can be grown in the ground. The place where it grows must be covered with peat or compost in winter.

-Eucharisis grown only at home.

-Crocosmięcan be left in the ground under a thick layer of peat.

-Dichelostemma(Brodiaea) only on permeable soils can be stored under cover.

-Bletillahibernates in the ground under thick mulch.

-Tropaeolum tuberosumis a cold-hardy climber. They are planted in fertile but well-drained soil and in a sunny position. In spring and autumn, the substrate must be mulched.

- OnionsGarlicdo not dig up ornamental.

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