PiO: plant and fish care in a pond

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P:In my ponds I had plants (water lilies) and fish - golden crucians. My biggest concern is fish and plant diseases. The water lily sprouted 2 leaves, the third began to grow and rotted, and the leaves that were swimming rotted too. The fish have spots of white coating around their mouths and on the scales on their backs. Despite the use of various recommended agents at the garden store, there is no improvement. The water in the reservoir comes from the source and is crystal clear. How to save my plants and fish?

O:The development of fish diseases is favored by their excessive density (the sum of the body lengths of adult fish should not exceed 25 centimeters per 1 m2 of water surface - e.g. for 5 m2 we can let 12 fish), water and pond bottom pollution.

The most common conditions are thrush, ulcerative disease and sepsis. If, after catching sick fish, the disease continues to develop, a preparation for feeding aquatic plants can be used.It is a measure with a very broad spectrum of action and helps in many diseases.

Fish should receive prophylactic vitamins that increase resistance to diseases. It is also good to study specialist literature. As for water lilies, symptoms indicate a fungal disease. It may be rhizome rot.Plants that are planted too deeply and that have not been provided with a sufficiently high temperature or sufficient amount of light are particularly affected.

If disease occurs, replace the substrate and trim the diseased plants to a he althy tissue, and decontaminate the cut site with charcoal, which can also be added to the substrate of the water reservoir.

Planting and fertilizing aquatic plants

It can also be leaf and shoot rot. In this case, black-brown coarse spots appear on the lower side of the leaves and on the stems.Infected places should be sprayed with a chemical agent of IV and V toxicity class.For this purpose, the plants must be removed from the water or the water in the tank. After that, the plants need to be shaded for a while for the fungicide to work.

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