PiO: chrysanthemum, pencil and mushroom care

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P:This year's mild winter caused the chrysanthemums in the gardens and those left on the graves to wither, but began to sprout green shoots. How to deal with them in this unusual situation?

O:Small-flowered chrysanthemums in our climatequite good holding winterDry last year's shoots are a cover against the cold. Under favorable conditionsreflect new shootsOld shoots can be removed in spring, the plant can be replanted to new groundorfor the garden. When the shootsa little grow up , pinch their tips with your nails, which will cause the plant to flourish.

Chrysanthemums need to be fed during vegetationfertilizers for flowering plantsBecause they are plantsof the day short, they only bloomlateną autumnGardeners controlquantity light , leading to flowering of chrysanthemums in early summer. Therefore, in June we canbuy flowering copies

P:I bought two pencil cuttings in pots. How can I look after them? Where are they supposed to winter and how to cut them?

O:The pencil in the growing season requiresposition sunny , sheltered from windand, if possible, fromrainRequires abundant watering and weekly fertilization forplants bloominguntilAugust

Decaying flowers should be removed as they do not fall off by themselves. In autumn, the plant should be moved to a bright room with a temperature of 5-8ºC. We do this whensolid rootis dry. Cut the shoots in half. In spring, the plant should be moved to a warmer room andoverdo it ,more oftenandabundantwaterA plant overwintering in a dark room loses its leaves completely. In this case, the shoots should be trimmed close to the ground and only watered as much as possible so as not to dry out the root ball. The pencil can be written inin the form intimateorpyramidal , or treated as a hanging plant. You can also tie the shoots to the trellis.

P:I got Cestrum elegans. I don't know how to cultivate it. I am asking for advice on how to deal with this shrub.

O:Cestrum elegans, or seaweed, comes fromAmerica tropicaland subtropicalIt is a vigorously growing shrub, even when planted in a container it can grow up to 2 m in height. Requiressunny ,fertile ,permeable substrateBlooms from April to September. During the growing season (until August), it requires abundant watering and weekly fertilization forplants floweringCan be run informciennejor attach tosupportsIt is a poisonous plant - it contains solanine. To limit growth, the plant can be trimmed afterflowering

For the winter, move the roasting ring from the garden to alightandcoolroom with a temperature of 5-10ºC. During this time, it should not be cut. It will then keepwinter hardy foliageand flowering will start in the spring.It can bestored in a dark place , but then before moving the plant to theroom winterit should be trimmed almost right off the ground and stored almost dry.In spring overdoFlowering will be delayed.

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