PiO: Australian ficus and arrangement of a sunny terrace

Plant silhouette … Australian ficus

P: I bought an Australian ficus. Although it has started to sprout a lot of new leaves, many of the old and new leaves (more and more) begin to turn yellow and fall off. Is it normal (acclimatization) or is it missing something? I would like to add that it stands on the floor next to the balcony, so it has quite a lot of light.

O:The place for the ficuses should be bright, but notintense sunlitThey grow best in diffused light. Ficuses should not be watered too much.We provide them with water only when the earth's surface is slightly dry.The watershould be soft (e.g. boiled and left standing). In winter, we water the plants less often so that the soil does not dry out completely. The ficuses react to too wet a substrate by shedding their yellowed leaves. In this case, the plant is best transplanted tofresh substrateIf it turns out that the ficus has rotten roots, it is best to make cuttings out of it. Rooting takes quite a long time, so be patient - sometimes it can fail.

Important first weeks

New plantings must not dry out in the first few weeks, because their further development depends on how they take root.

The seedlings are prepared inAprilorMayAfter cutting off the stem fragments, first put them in lukewarm water so that the juice rinses from the wound milk. Then place the cuttings in a mixture ofpeatwith sand(before that, the ends of the cuttings can be dipped in the rooting agent).The entire container is covered with foil and placed in a warm (about 23 degrees Celsius), slightly shaded place. If necessary,soilwaterSeedlings also root in water in a dark glass jar. Then they require daily sprinkling. After 3-5 weeks, plant the rooted plants insmallpots

How to arrange a terrace?

P:Like most terraces, mine is located to the south, but at the front of the building. We lack ideas on how to roof it and cover it so that it protects it from the scorching sun and decorates the house at the same time. Do you know any proven ideas how to arrange this space?

O: Southern terracescan be shielded from the sun by planting vines by the railingvinesOften, strong, and in winter frosty winds, we can choose only fast-growingannual climbersRopes are stretched between the railing and the roof, on which the climbers planted in boxes will climb.These can be:beans large-flowered ,nasturtiumorbeansThere will probably be no trouble with these plants. And the wolf flapped,tunbergia flanked ,patczatka roughkawa ,rodochiton ,kabeaorasarinalike places sheltered from the wind. You can try to plant them and see how they work. Annual vines grow quickly and form a kind of arbor.

Besides, near the terrace you can plant a fast-growing deciduous tree, the crown of which in a few years will givepartial shade , e.g.birchor decorativeapple tree , or a slower growing conifer that will give a stronger shade in the future, e.g.fir CalifornianYou can also plant a mixed group consisting of conifers and deciduous trees. In the future, when the trees grow, they will provide shelter from the wind, apart from the shade.Additionally, if it is an area where there are no trees nearby, it is worth startingtreeing the surroundings

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