PiO: cutting bushes before winter

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P:Do I have to trim my dough every year?

O:Budleja is not very resistant to frost. Vegetation begins late in spring and it lasts a long time, becauseshoots plantsgrow until frost and freeze-up at the top. Therefore, it is advisable toannual cutall the way to the ground. After thiscut shrubsgrow back very luxuriantly and bloom in the same year. In warmer parts of the country it does not always have to be observed, but it will beat the expense of finenessof inflorescences

This secateurs is perfect for this, which you can reach in hard-to-reach places:

P:How to cut tamarisk?

O:Tamarisks tolerate pruning after flowering. Then we shorten the shoots by2/3 their lengthsYoung shoots that grow at the base are cut by half in order tobranchingandto avoid ogołacaniathe bush from below. The shrub, which is pruned every year, has a compact, dense shapehabitanda lot young ,flowering shootsTamarisk can be routed to form a tree or applied tomolded hedge

Q:When can dogwood be cut?

O:After plantingdogwoodwe shouldcut its stems by halfso that the bush can thicken.It is extremely important that in the second and third year after planting,flowering twigsalso be shortened by half after planting. We should also remember to completely remove branches that are too weak or directed towards the interior of the bush.

In the years followingfloweringwe should make a weakpruning conservative , removing the oldest branches completely or shortening them over lower branches. The inside of the bush also shines through. Edible dogwood can becut also after fruiting

This one-handed pruner will be a good helper when cutting:

P:I bought an eastern laurel plant for a hedge last year. Since it is not frost-resistant, I covered it with bark in winter. Unfortunately, most of the leaves have frozen and turned brown, but the stems look nice.I am asking for an answer, how should I care for laurel plant in winter, so that this situation does not happen again?

O:Laurowiśnia does not stand our winters very well, which are characterized byviolent falls temperaturesUnfortunately, even the covering may not be enough. Sometimes the entire above-ground part of the bush may freeze. In spring, the shoots grow back. Frosted leaves fall off. Iffroze a lot leavesandyou can see bare fragments shoots , you can trim them.

Sadzonki laurowiśni (Photo: Fotolia.com)

Laurowiśniaresponds well and fairly quickly to the cut. Damaged bushes must be taken care of in particularduring the season In spring and early summer you should sprinkle them with nitrogen fertilizer, andin autumn with phosphorus-potassiumIt is also worth feedingshrubs with strengthening

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