I am asking for an answer on how to combat carrot shedding in carrot cultivation. I can't get rid of this pest, although I have planted onions, garlic and sage in a coordinate crop. Are there any other effective methods of combating carrot shininess apart from the chemicals, which unfortunately I cannot use because I grow vegetables in the neighborhood?
Carrot polyśnica is the most dangerous pest of carrots and is quite common in home gardens and allotments.With a high intensity of this pest, the preparations may not be effective.
Shortly before the fly of the flies (usually early May - first generation, July - second generation) spray the plants with the preparation of edible onion (infusion of 75 g of onion or 500 g of husks per 10 l of water), garlic (undiluted liquid manure with 75 g of cloves, 500 g of fresh or 200 g of dry garlic leaves and husks per 10 l of water)
After the fermentation is finished, we spray the soil and plants preventively during the flight of the flies.Apart from plant protection treatments, appropriate agrotechnical treatments are equally effective - one of them is the early sowing of carrots. When the flies leave, the older plants will be more resistant.
Remember not to sow directly after the manure. Rising carrots can also be covered with a fleece or a fine mesh net. If the sowing is covered inaccurately or too late, the treatment will not be effective. We can also plant barrier plants around the carrot plots, such as broad beans or organic beans.
If you don't want to use chemical sprays, at least use treated seeds against the first generation.They have contact and gastric properties, therefore they are very effective and do not threaten neighboring crops.
There are worms in the pores. What are these pests and how can they be effectively controlled?
The pests that have invaded the pores are tobacco thrips. Their feeding is manifested by the appearance of silvery streaks on the leaves.Tobacco thrips become active during dry and hot summer.After noticing the first symptoms, the plants should be sprayed with an appropriate preparation.
I have a pear tree with two-thirds of all leaves covered with bright red spots for three years each year. The spots darken over time, and warts develop on the underside of the leaves. I am asking for an answer, how to fight this disease?
Bright orange spots on pear leaves are a symptom of fungal disease - rust.The main source of the threat are junipers, which are the second host of this pathogen and should not grow near pear trees.This disease is severely limited by the regular protection of trees against scab.The first spraying is carried out in the green bud phase with Miedzian, then after 7-10 days you need to apply the agent.
In the period from the pink bud phase to about 2 weeks after flowering, Zato is sprayed every 7 days.This preparation can be used even during a drizzle on wet leaves, because it has very good adhesion.It is good to use this preparation alternately with other fungicides, and 2-3 times a season in a mixture with Antracol. During the growth of buds (from around mid-June), it is worth applying the appropriate spraying, which should be done about every 2 weeks.
Remember about the grace period, i.e. the time that must pass from the last spraying to the harvesting of the fruit.This period is specified on each package of preparations.