P:Yellow spots appear on the leaves of my citrus, which darken with time. I tried to cut all the diseased leaves, leaving only young and he althy. It didn't help. The old leaves of the palm tree have stains similar to those of citrus. At first they are yellow, as if soaked with fat, with time they turn brown. What measures should I use? Is it a fungal or viral disease?
O:There may be several reasons for the appearance of yellow spots on citrus leaves. Leaves may yellowfollowed bybrownand dry updue to too low air humidity in the room. The best way to prevent this from happening is to regularly and frequently sprinkle the plant with water. Another reason for the formation ofyellow discolorationon the leaves is the feeding of the hop spider mite Tetranyus urticae. This mite is visible under magnification (e.g. with a magnifying glass) on the underside of the leaf.
The body of the spider mite is light green, with the characteristicbrown spots po sidesIf these pests attacktree citrus , it is necessary to perform a chemical treatment with the use of spider mites, i.e.Magus 200 SC , or insecticideTalstar 100 ECRepeat the treatment after 6-7 days. Also, in the case of spots on palm leaves, there can be several reasons for this phenomenon.
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Drzewko limonkowe (Photo: Fotolia.com) |
One of them is the lack of micronutrients, such as:magnesium ,iron ,copper,zinc , which should be provided to the plant in the form of liquid fertilizers during watering. Please carefully inspect the leaves on the palm tree and, after noticing the pests, apply the preparations mentioned above. I also advise you to regularly provideplants nutrients nutrientsin the form of liquid fertilizers.
P:I bought a beautiful bush called barbula. Unfortunately, I have nowhere found any information on how to deal with it, i.e. whether to shorten it, and if so, when and how much. Should you cover it for the winter?
O:Barbula klandoaCaryopteris clandonensis is a hybrid shrub. It blooms late - at the end ofsummerandautumnIt grows to about 1 m - depending on the variety.Barbulais not very hardy to frost and should be trimmed low (a few centimeters) above the ground in early spring (March). In autumnthe root of the bushshould be covered withdry leavesor stroiszem- covering similar to perennials. Barbula requires permeable soil with a pHalkalineorneutralandsunnyandsheltered from position winds.
P:I planted a dyptam in the garden. How is it grown?
O:Ash-leaf dyptam Diptamnus albus is a herbaceous plant with woody shoots. In early summer, it producesbunches of fragrant , star-shaped flowers in white or pink.The plant can grow up to 1.2 m in height and grow to a width of 0.9 m. Dyptam is resistant tofrostNeeds full sun andfertile,permeable soilDoesn't like overdoing it. It can be propagated byseeding seedin summer. The seeds should be sown right after harvest, asquickly lose strength germination
In very hot weather, dipstick gives offoils essential oilsthat can irritate the skin. This plant is native to theSea Mediterranean , where temperatures are so high that it may catch fireemitting up oilsBut it lasts so short that nothing happens to the plant.