PiO: Asian skimmia and idyllic meadow

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P:I got a skimmy as a gift. I don't know anything about her. Can it be kept at home or outside?

O:Skimmia japonica is an evergreen shrub that comes from cool but frost-freemountainforestsovergrown with eastern Asia. It belongs to the rutaceae family. In an apartment, it should stand in bright, unheated rooms. Until November, it can stand outside, it does not even hurtfrost , but if you plan to winter this plant in the ground, take it out of the pot into the ground.In colder regions of our country, it is worth covering it for the winter.Skimmiashould grow in partial shade in a slightly moist substrate with little calciumcalcium

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A properly groomed flower meadow looks amazing (Image: Fotolia.com)

Bright red buds emerge in autumn, which in spring develop into umbelswhitishflowers .

Q:Can I buy seed mixtures for a flower meadow and how often do I need to mow it?

O:You have been able to buy ready-made seed mixtures for some time onflowermeadowAvailable they are in gardening stores that sell seeds in addition to seedlings. The largest selection is usually in the company stores of the Nasienna Centrala.The mixtures are adapted to different soils. Onlight soils ,dryandsandy , rich andmoistor other plant species grow on completely wetlands. The number of mowing depends on the type of meadow: dry mowing once a year - in autumn, fresh on wet soils - twice, inJuneandAugust

P:I bought jasmine nightshade last spring. It grew and bloomed beautifully over the summer. I kept her on the windowsill in a cool room over the winter. In March, I transplanted into a larger container. It began to grow. I would like to know more about this creeper.

O:Jasmine nightshadeSolanum jasminoidesis an evergreen, potted shrub with a climber habit and rapid growth. Shoots branch strongly and can reach up to 10 m in length. The nightshade requires a very clear and regular supply from spring to Augustfertilizers multicomponent

In autumn, before bringing home, shoots should be cut in half and stored over the winter incoolanddark roomwithout watering. Nightshade can be stored in a bright room, but the substrate should then be keptslightly moistReplant the plant in early March and place it in a warmer and lighter room.

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