Petroselinum parsley - application, care, cultivation

More about the plant below:

Parsley (Petroselinum)

category : herbs, vegetables

position : sun, partial shade

height : up to 1 m

frost resistance : to -30 ° C

reaction soil : indifferent

preferences soil : fertile, light, well-drained, sandy loam

watering : medium

color leaves/needles : green

color of flowers : white, greenish, greenish-yellow

shape : upright

period flowering : July-August

seeding : spring, autumn


persistence leaves : seasonal

application : balconies, edible plant, terraces, vegetable garden, herb bed

pace of growth : fast

Parsley - silhouette

Parsley comes from the countries of the Mediterranean. In our part of Europe it was adopted in the 16th century.Currently it is grown in two basic varieties: leaf and root.

Growth form - parsley

Two-year-old parsley produces long, 20-30 cm long leaves in the first year. In the second year it develops a branched inflorescence shoot 50-90 cm high.The species Petroselinum neapolitanum is definitely more aromatic than Petroselinum crispum (leaf parsley). Root of Petroselinum crispum var. tuberosum is thick and fleshy.

Parsley - position

The best growing conditions are in sunny positions in a fertile, moist, but well-drained substrate.Growing is also successful in semi-shaded places.

Growing parsley

From mid-March to the end of July, seeds are sown directly into the ground to a depth of approx. 2 cm.Row spacing should be 20 cm.Seeds usually emerge 3-5 weeks, sometimes longer. Root parsley Petroselinum crispum var. The tuberosum is interrupted by 10 cm.It should be sown in a different place every year.The seeds can be sown at the same site only after 3 years of crop rotation.

Parsley - application

Parsley is used for spicing and medicinal purposes. The leaves and the root are most often added to soups and salads. Parsley contains a lot of provitamin A.Dug out the root parsley in late autumn; after removing the leaves, the roots are stored in a dark room at a temperature of several degrees above zero.


In order not to accidentally crush the long emerging crops, it is worth marking the rows of parsley with a colored ribbon.

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