Care of conifers

The author of the text is MSc. Beata Romanowska

As plants grow, thenutrients nutrientsfound in the soil are depleted. Some of them are taken up by plants, and some are washed out todeeper layerssoilThe task of fertilizing is not only nourishing plants, but also increasing the fertility ofsoilThe best results are obtained withspread out substances organicinform compost


Forcompostingyou can use any organic residues - leaves, grass, weeding plants in the pre-flowering phase,bark , sawdust ,peel with vegetablesandfruit- with the addition groundandground mineralsas well as manure.When using compost, we do not have to worry aboutoverdosing ingredients nutrientsRipe compost is obtained after approximately 1- 2 years of prismof material organicAfter sifting on the construction porch, it is mixed withtop with a layer substrateCompost is added to the soil every year at a dose of 2-4 kg / m2. After 3 years, the compost dose can be reduced to 1.5-2 kg / m2.

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Manure is currently used for fertilization in the form ofdriedandgranulated , commercially available. It is already odorless and easy to use. It is dissolved in water in a concentration of1 l of dry manure per 5 l of waterandleft for approx.2 weeks , stirring frequently. This solution is diluted 1: 5 before use.

Fertilization compostsometimes it is worth supplementing with mineral fertilizers, but using onlyfertilizersmineralnot recommended. Although easy to use and quickly absorbed by plants, they do not improvefertility soil , and can lead to dangerous over-fertilization.

It is best to usefertilizers multi-ingredient , containing a full dose of macro- and micronutrients from April to June.

Nutritional and energy requirements

The most nutrients foodare collected by creeping junipers and yews, the least by common and prickly spruces. Fertilization is done in spring, not later than the end of June, especially with fertilizers containingnitrogen ,because plantsmust have time to prepare for winter.Laterfertilization nitrogen createsdanger of freezing.

Fir trees,spruces ,pines, larchesandchoinyare supplied once at the turn of March and April, while yews, cypresses, thuja and junipers are fed with half of the annual dose in March and the other half in June. The fertilizer should be spread overcontour crowns , not next to the trunk, ontomoist soiland enter it into hertop layer

In the case ofmulching soil plantsshould be additionally supplemented with nitrogen fertilizer, e.g.ammonium nitrate ammonium s altin the amount of approx. 20 g / m2.


Longer periods of water shortageinhibit growth plants . Especially spruce, fir and fir trees are sensitive to evenperiodical water shortages, , while junipers and pines are more easily tolerated .

Water fromWateringorRainfallshould arrive directly inprecinct system rootTherefore, single doses of water are 10-15 l / m2, preferably delivered within 1.5-3 hours. This amount of water in summer is enough for approx. 12 days. In summer, you should not water the plants during the day, becausetakes place greatest transpirationIt is best to water them in the morning. Water loss can be prevented by loosening the soil surface - this breaks the finechannels between particlessoilswith which the water evaporates and covering the surface with mulch.


Mulching protects the substrate againstdrying out , againstgrowth weeds , reduces temperature fluctuations and decomposing organic mulch provideshumusandimproves structure soilVarious materials can be used as mulch for conifers. The most popular is the bark, preferablycompostedfor at least 2-3 months. It allows you to reduce thecontent of phenolspresent in the bark to the amount tolerated by the plants.

With bark mulching, plants may suffer fromdeficiency nitrogenandiron . Iron deficiency is caused by a high level of manganese in the bark, which makes it difficult for plants to take up iron.

Good litter is alsocomposted sawdustHowever, they should be spread with a thinner layer (max. 2-4 cm), because they tend to compact more than bark products. You can also use choppedshredded straworreed(7 cm thick). An unripe compost is also suitable for bedding. The reaction of the litter for conifers should be the same as in the substrate in which they grow.

A special form of mulchingis the use of inorganic materials such as stones, ceramic aggregate,black foilorblack nonwoven gardening The foil is spread on moist soil in spring and removed in autumn.


Conifers are cut 2 or 3 times a year: the first is in early spring, preferably before thestart fullvegetation- shoots damaged by frost, broken shoots and those that disturbplants plantedtoo densely are cut. The first hedge-forming cut is then also carried out, andforms topiarThis cut stimulates the buds that are sleeping, making the hedge thicken. In June, only the new increments ofare shortened by about 1/3During this time, the increments of pines can also be shortened, which slows down their growth.

The last cut is made inAugust , afterending vegetationCan be omitted, because it has acharacter cosmetic- those growths that go beyond the planned shape are removed.The conifers are no longer cut afterwards, as their shoots must lignified by winter. It is best to make cuts when the moon is waning, i.e. from full moon to new moon.

In order to facilitate the work of giving plants different shapes, it is worth usingspecial templates , e.g. made of wire, poles. Hedges should have a cross-sectionshape trapezoid ,widerubase .

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