It is worth paying attention to the shrubs of the genus Pieris Pieris. Two of its species are cultivated in Poland - the Japanese pieris P. japonica and the flowery pieris P. floribunda. They are always green shrubs that bloom here in the early spring and in spring. The Japanese pieris reaches a height of 3 m and grows wide (up to 2-4 m). Young shoots are green and naked, and the older ones are covered with brown, flaky bark. The typical species is decorated with young leaves of a brown-red color, which fade with time. The flowers, gathered in dense, overhanging panicles, are snow-white and appear very early. In western Poland, especially in Wrocław, they are already developing at the turn of February and March.There are many varieties in cultivation, the most valuable are: 'Variegata', 'Montain Fire', 'Red Mill' and 'Scarlett O'Hara'.
The second species cultivated in Poland is the flowery pieris. It is a slow-growing shrub, growing up to 1.5-2 m. Its flowers develop slightly later than the Japanese pieris - at the turn of April and May. There are two varieties in cultivation: 'Forest Flame' and the profusely blooming 'Millstream'.
Pierises grow well in semi-shaded positions , where they feel best planted in groups with other plants, always green. They require well-moistened, humus soils with a high content of organic matter and acid reaction. The ground around them should be covered with well-decomposed pine bark. They are best grown in the southwestern part of the country. In other areas, they require positions from the so-called microclimate - sheltered from frosty drying winds. In winter, the bushes should be protected with airy non-woven fabric.In years with little rainfall, they require systematic watering, because they are very sensitive to drought.
We propagate them as amateurs by means of layering: in spring, the shoots are bent to the ground and covered with moist peat or decomposed bark and sawdust. Layers take root within a year. It is also possible to reproduce by sowing seeds that we collect in September. It is best to pick whole fruits that will open during drying. The seeds are sown in winter or early spring in boxes placed in heated rooms. The emergence takes about a month. The seedlings are initially very small and require several quilting and replanting.