The richness of forms is a distinguishing feature of ferns, because these plants compensate for the lack of flowers with extremely diverse leaves.The most beautiful are the intricately "cut" ones, equal to the precision of even Koniaków lace.Botanists, with their typical precision, describe them several times (double, triple and quadruple) pinnate, but among the shapes of the leaves The ferns also mention the entire edge: equilibrium or lanceolate (some Aspalenium polyps, Phyllitis tongue, Microsorum microsorum and Marsillea four-leaf). An additional decoration are sporangia that grow on the underside of the leaves. In some species, they "line up" into even rows of dots or lines, while in others they create interesting patterns.
About 12,000 species of ferns inhabit a wide variety of environments - from tropical rainforests to cold northern regions.Many species grow in damp and wet places (e.g. near waterfalls), known there are also typical aquatic ferns, such as Salvinia and Marsillea. Some species are epiphytes or vines living in the treetops, others are lithophytes, inhabiting the rock crevices of mountains and sea coasts. Many of them tolerate high salinity (coastal and mangrove species) well.
Ferns make their life dependent on water because it is necessary for the entire development cycle and fertilization.All you need is a drop suspended between the substrate and the gametophyte on which the reproductive organs are placed (the gametophyte is the first stage in the sexual development of a fern, and after fertilization it grows into a sporophyte, the best-known form of fern).Bujna the greenery of ferns means that we value them as ornamental plants.
Tropical species are used to decorate dwellings, because they have the advantage over temperate ferns that they do not dormant clearly and can be grown in warm rooms all year round.They were especially appreciated in the Victorian era, when they became the subject of numerous studies on their biology and cultivation, as well as breeding procedures.The range of species and varieties is expanding every day, so it is worth paying attention on new ferns to grow in apartments, not forgetting those well-known to us.
For most species the most suitable is acidic soil (pH 5-6) with a high proportion of organic matter.It can be a mixture of leaf or turf soil with peat and sand, or with the addition of composted pine bark or charcoal.It is important that the substrate is able to retain water but is not too loose, so it is imperative the use of good drainage.
The condition for maintaining the good condition of ferns in pot cultivation is high humidity of the substrate and air (optimal is 70%), however, there are species that tolerate a temporary shortage of water and moisture in the air.The appropriate humidity can be ensured by placing several pots in a larger vessel, which we will fill with moist peat.An additional advantage will be the interaction of plants, i.e. creating a favorable microclimate.
For most species grown indoors, 18-20 ° C during the day and around 15 ° C at night are suitable. Some species (e.g. spotted eagle and golden fern) prefer lower temperatures (approx. 15 ° C), which are difficult to maintain in centrally heated apartments. However, these species generally also grow well in warm conditions.
Ferns are famous for their tolerance to light deficiency.They can grow even in a place far from the window, in quite dark corners of the room, but it is always better to provide them with more light - they will pay you back more intense coloration and lush, but compact growth.
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Despite the increasing number of species of ferns intended for interior decoration, nephrolepsy are still the most popular. This may be due to the unrefined requirements of the plant, as well as numerous varieties with beautifully curly leaves. It is best to display them in tall pots or suspended vessels.Drooping stolons will add charm to the plants, thanks to which ferns can reproduce vegetatively (young plants form after contact with the ground)High nephrolepis Nephropepis ex altata has the most varieties. Among them, it is worth paying attention to the 'Lemon Button', which has raised leaves, composed of small round leaves.N. cordifolia is also grown in the apartments.
One of the easiest and the most beautiful species of ferns for housing is the sickle fern Polystichum falcatum, syn. Cyrtomium falcatum.It creates large, dark green, stiff and leathery leaves, and tolerates well low temperatures, water deficiency in the substrate and poor access to light.Dark-ness Pellaea, Pteris spotted eagle and Phlebodium golden fern also have low requirements. . The most interesting, and at the same time the most popular species of the darkwort is the round-leaved darkroom P. rotundifolia, a small fern growing up to 30 cm tall with round and dark leaves growing out of a brown petiole. The cultivation also includes the green dark nematode P. viridis and the sickle-shaped P. falcata.
Eaglets are characterized by leaves of two types: photosynthesizing (trophiles) are wider, and above them, on high petioles, there are much narrower sporulated leaves with sporangia that run along the edges of the leaf blade.Numerous varieties of this genus, most often derived from the Cretan spotted eagle P. cretica, differ in shape (many are curly) and in the color of the leaves.
The golden fern is a species with large, raised leaves (approx. 1 m long), growing out of a strong brown and "hairy" rhizome (contrary to the name, the leaves are covered with a wax coating, giving the plant a distinctly blue shade)New in recent years is the microsorum Microsorum musifolium, called the crocodile fern, with broadly lanceolate leaves with distinct veins resembling the skin of these reptiles.
The easiest way to reproduce ferns is by dividing the plants when transplanting. Rhizome ferns, such as the golden fern, are reproduced by dividing the rhizomes.An interesting way is to use the phenomenon of viviparousness of some species, found in some ferns of the genus paronychia or tectaria.Young plants grow on their leaves, which are planted in pots after cutting or detaching from the mother plant.However, the ferns themselves most often reproduce by spores, which are sown on the surface of a well-sieved and moist substrate.
The vessel with the seeded spores is covered with a glass or foil.After a few weeks, gametophytes germinate from the spores - small, heart-shaped plant "structures", on the underside of which birth and tribes form.In conditions of high humidity, after fertilization, gametophytes grow from the gametophytes, which plummets into pots.
The greater requirements of some species of ferns are most often associated with the need to provide them with a higher temperature and air humidity.Their special decorativeness, however, convinces many to undertake the cultivation of these plants. Among them, we can mention the unique flat salmon Platycerium bifurcatum (from the shape of the leaves forking at the end of the leaves, commonly known as elk horns). In the case of this species, the difficulty is also due to the fact that it is an epiphyte, therefore it requires a specific substrate and appropriate growing conditions.
Slightly easier to care for is Asplenium nidus, with undivided light green leaves adorned with a dark main vein. Many varieties of adiantum are also grateful to cultivate, such as the wedge-shaped Adiantum raddianum and the delicate A. tenerum, not only because of the unusual charm of the delicate leaves, which are used as cut greenery. Be especially careful not to dry the plants even for a short time, because without water they can quickly turn into a pile of hay.
However, if we forget about watering and the plant declines, it is not worth writing it off, because with proper care it will quickly release new leaves and delight the household again.Less known is Davallia lumpy warts bullata, which is worth displaying in suspended pots (ampls). Its pride, apart from the intricate, leathery leaves, are spider-like rhizomes growing out of the pot.