Canna x generalis garden bead - silhouette, cultivation

More about the plant below:

Paciorecznik garden (Canna x generalis)

category : perennials

position : sun, partial shade

height : 0.5-2.5 m

wintering:room 10-12 ° C

reaction soil : neutral, slightly acidic

preferences soil : fertile, humus, sandy loam

watering : medium

color leaves/needles : green, brown, red, purple, white green, yellow-green

color of flowers : pink, red, orange, yellow, white

shape : upright

period flowering : July-October

seed : -

reproduction:division of rhizomes

persistence leaves : seasonal

application : discounts, balconies, terraces

pace of growth : fast

Garden pouch - silhouetteDevelopment of a garden pebbleGarden pouch - positionGarden bead careWintering of the garden pebbleGarden pouch - applicationAdvice

Paciorecznik garden - silhouette

Pacioreczniki are spectacular plants with an exotic appearance. This genus is represented by several species.All beadlets known from gardens are interspecies hybrids belonging to two groups with either green or red leaves.The flowers can be red, yellow, orange, pink. They often have a characteristic tiger pattern.

Development of the garden bead

The paciorecznik reaches up to 150 cm in height.Its shiny flowers and relatively large leaves attract attention.There are also known small varieties up to 50 cm high. They are inherently finer and take up much less space.

Paciorecznik garden - stand

Paciorecznik likes warm, sunny positions, preferably sheltered from the wind.Its leaves are so delicate that they can tear apart in stronger gusts of wind.

Garden bead care

Paciorecznik comes from the wetlands of Africa. Therefore, it is known that the plants need for water is very high.During the flowering period, the plants are fed every week.Faded flowers should be removed, then the bead will continue to bloom tirelessly.

Wintering the garden bead

Before the first frosts, cut the shoots and remove the rhizomes from the ground, dug them in damp sand for the winter and keep them cool, but frost-free.In spring, when the risk of frost is over, the plants can be planted back into the ground.Rushing plants at home contributes to much earlier flowering.

Garden pouch - application

Paciorecznik is an attractive potted plant. In summer, it can also be put in the garden.


Paciorecznik can hibernate in a dark cellar.Dig up the whole plant with the root ball and cut off the stem.

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