"Depending on the degree of shrub infestation, I recommend natural or chemical preparations" - Emilia Szczepaniak, Zawichost
I have about 20 rose bushes. It's hard not to admire these colorful flowers. Individual species and varieties require different care, but they have one thing in common: they are sensitive to the same diseases and pests. So if we want these flowers to be the pride of our garden, we should carefully observe them. Then we will notice disturbing symptoms sooner and we will be able to react in time with the appropriatesprayingIn my letter I will describe the most common rose diseases and discuss how to combat them.
Powdery mildew
Symptomsand the first symptoms - white coating on leaves, shoots and buds - usually appear in May. Infected leaves wrinkle and they roll up, and the buds are small and deformed. Then you must act immediately to stop the rapid spread that powdery mildew is famous for. Warm and rainy summers favor the development of the disease.
Combating- cut the infected parts of the plant and burn them. Every 8-14 days, spray the roses with a preparation against powdery mildew.
Downy mildew
SymptomsApart from the white coating, yellow spots appear on the leaves, which turn red or brown over time. The characteristic mealy bloom is also visible on the outer petals of flowers. The fungus usually attacks in autumn, when there are temperature fluctuations throughout the day.
ZwalczanieCut out sick shoots and burn them. At the end of the season, carefully rake the leaves from under the bush, because the spores of the fungus overwinter in them. We spray with the following preparations: Miedzian 50 WP, Bravo 500 SC, Biosept 33 SL, Mildex 711.9 WG.
Black leaf spot
SymptomsBrown or black spots appear on the lower leaves of the shrubs. Affected parts turn yellow and fall off. This disease develops in cool and rainy summers. She is also favored by planting bushes too densely.
ZwalczanieThis disease usually appears in July, so we do prophylactic spraying in June.
I have readalso that black leaf spot can be combated the natural way, using a baking soda solution. Dissolve a quarter of a teaspoon of soda in a liter of lukewarm water. Add 3-4 drops of oil, shake the sprinkler thoroughly and spread it on the plant.I haven't had a chance to try this method yet, but I have heard that it works. This spraying is done every 2 weeks. In addition to the spores of the fungus, it is said to also destroy aphids.
Gray mold
SymptomsAn ashen coating appears on shoots, flowers and leaves. If we do not react in time, the disease can completely destroy the bushes. This type of mushroom most often develops after flower pruning or harvesting.
FightingCropped shoot ends or already infested parts of the plant are best sprayed with Teldor 500 SC.
Rose Jumper
SymptomsThe top of the rose leaves are covered with small white spots. The insects are light yellow or light green and will feed on the underside of the leaves.
FightingSpraying Decis 2.5 EC will help.
SymptomsColonies of these tiny insects live on flower buds and shoot tips.
FightingThe most effective preparation I have used so far was Confidor 200 SL.
The spider mite
Symptomsis a tiny spider that feeds on the underside of leaves that dry and fall off. The pest most often attacks in warm and rainless weather.
FightingLet's apply Provado Plus AE.
I will reveal a few more recipes for ecological spraying of roses. They are effective especially in the early stages of the disease and with a small number of shrubs in the garden. To make preparations, I use extracts and decoctions ofnettle(kilogram of herb),marigold(kilogram of dried fruit),chamomile(300 g of dried flowers) andtobacco(10-12 cigarettes).
I prepare the broths from driedplantsI pour boiling water over the right amount to cover them. I heat it over low heat but don't cook it. I strain the decoction through a sieve so that it settles better on the plants during spraying.When it cools down, I dilute it in 10 liters of water and add a few drops of dishwashing liquid immediately before the treatment.
I prepare the extract from fresh nettles. I chop the herb, pour cold water over it and leave it for 24 hours. I use the preparation right away. And here is the use of individual herbs: