Probably every gardener's dream is a plot free from pests, mosquitoes and flies. Some of the gardens I have seen seem to meet these conditions. Their owners simply put a lot of work into watering, feeding and any agrotechnical procedures, which makes the plants lush and he althy. Weakened, desiccated specimens are immediately attacked by pests.
I, apart from taking care of the garden, also try to plan plantings wisely, using the practical knowledge of our grandmothers.Previously, in houses against bedbugs, moths and fleas, stalks of mugwort, wormwood, thyme and walnut leaves were laid.
It turns out that many herbs are equipped with defense mechanisms that protect the environment and themselves from attack by vermin. The substances produced by plants most often affect the reproductive cycle of insects or prevent them from feeding. Plektrantus, also known as mosquito, sage, lavender, thyme, rosemary, basil and angina emit essential oils that repel insects.
I noticed that these plants are very rarely attacked by pests. When planted in flower beds, they will protect not only themselves, but also their neighbors.I try to plant them next to the terrace to protect myself from the virulence of mosquitoes and flies.I also like the smell of herbs. Plus, you don't have to walk far to nibble on some grilled spices. I sow marigolds in my garden because they reduce the occurrence of soil nematodes. Garlic also produces a similar, disorienting smell.
I protect the cabbage and leeks from thrips by sowing carrots or white clover in their vicinity. The yellow melilot effectively reduces the feeding of the Colorado potato beetle.One of the ways of using herbs that contain substances that destroy insects is spraying them. Pour a few handfuls of leaves with boiling water and leave for a few hours. After draining it and adding a few drops of washing-up liquid to improve the adhesion, the infusion is ready for use. It is perishable and we need to use it up fairly quickly.
We can fight farmers by spraying the root necks of plants with tansy or wormwood infusion.Dandelion, yarrow or chamomile preparations reduce the fertility of spider mites.