The botanical nameorlika Aquilegiacomes from the Latin aquila, which means eagle. It is hard to find a more accurate term for flowers with the characteristic spurclaw-like eagle .
Common spotted eagle Aquilegia vulgaris is characterized bypretty filigree leavesand usuallypurple with inflorescencesRecommended primarily for planting inplaces semi-shaded placesCompletely different features breeding varieties stand out; these are characterized by a muchwider range of colors , making a much more cheerful impression.Contrary to the botanical form, they can also be grown inpositions located w in the sunOrlik is a short-lived plant. The most spectacular flowers are produced insecond rok crops
Thankslarge quantity new variationsThe advantages of this attractive plant can also be seen by those who have so far considered the eagle as a plantunfashionableandunattractiveContemporary varieties are available in almost allcolors rainbow , also have white colored flowers,yellow ,red,pink ,purple ,blue , evengreen anddark purpleIt should be added that flowers are not onlyone- , but alsomulti-colored
Orlik wachlarzowaty Aquilegia flabellata (Photo: |
Flowers have not only different colors, butalso different formsAn excellent example is m .in. variation of 'Pink Bonnets'. Some eagles have been present in rural gardens for years, but only now are they discovered and used onsignificantly wider scale Many new varieties have such a changed appearance that it is difficult to even guess that we are dealing with an eagle; only leaves stillshow large similarityAn example can be the 'Winky Double Red White' variant, where the flowers are double full andhave pompom habitThe flowers of such varieties of Aquilegia vulgaris var also stand out with their unusual appearance . stellata, as 'Green Apples', 'Clementine Salmon Rose' and 'Clementine Blue'.They resemble clematis flowers ordahlias cactus
Most breeding forms bloom from May to June and reach a height of 60 to 80 cm. Tall species are great cut flowers. The exceptions are, among othersorlik wachlarzowatyAquilegia flabellata var. pumila Ministar ’andorlik alpineAquilegia alpina, which are only 20-40 cm high. Both species look great in the rock garden, the last one is one of the few species that are sensitive tounfavorable weather conditions weather This is an exception however. Most plants accept average growing conditions, feeling best inpermeable ,fertileandmoderate moist substrateIt's amazing how durable these fragile plants can be. Durable and also expansive, therefore it is recommended to trim them immediately after flowering so that they do notmanage spread seeds An additional benefit of pruning isstimulating the plantstoof the second flowering
Orlik alpejski Aquilegia alpina (Photo: |
Orliki breeds bydivision(in August) orseeding seeds(in April or May). They are planted in the ground inAugustorSeptemberThe information worth remembering is that the eagle is one of the repellants that repel snails, in other words, it isnatural shield protectingadjacent crops in beds againstexpansionvoracious mollusks
In the wild state, the lesser spotted eagle occurs, among others in brightforests hardwood ,thicketsand in the mountainclearings continent European It should be noted, however, that this is acomplete plant species protectionThe herb of the common spotted eagle has long been used in folk medicine andhomeopathy , incl. aslek choleraidiuretic
1. The variety 'William Guinness' hasflowers purplefinished with a white collar.
2. Giant,yellow flowersNorth American hybrid 'Maxi'make discountsbrighter .
3. The seed mixture 'Mrs. Scott Elliott 'contains many large-flowered varieties incolor pastel,laughingsemi-shaded nooks of the garden .
4. The variety 'Green Apples' has flowers ranging in color from apple green tocreamy white .
5. The variety of 'Pink Bonnets' belongs to the so-called formnostalgic .
6. The 'Winky Double Red White' variety is only 15 cm tall, but creates lots ofbeautiful full flowers . New varieties of lesser spotted eagles can sometimes be recognized only by their leaves.