In horticulture, fertilizer chalk (calcium carbonate) is most often used for this purpose, which is suitable for all types of soil - both heavy and light. Oxide lime type calcium fertilizers are useful only on heavy soils, as they act faster and change the pH of the soil environment more rapidly, which could deteriorate the quality of loose and poorly structured soils. The doses of calcium fertilizers in amateur cultivation are used as indicative - from 100 g (light soils) to 200 g (heavier soils) of the pure component (CaO) per m2. This month, we can also improve the fertility of the soil in our vegetable garden with organic fertilizers, manure. We spread it over the surface of the beds (5 kg / m2 is enough) and dig it with the top layer of soil. Compost is a very valuable fertilizer. For each square meter of cultivation, we use it in an amount of about 8-10 kg. If we sowed plant seeds for green manure on the plot, it must be dug up before winter so that it slowly decomposes in the soil.
SPRAY THE PEACHES.After the peach leaves fall, we perform a treatment against leaf curl. We use the following preparations: Miedzian 50 WG, Syllit 65 WP or Pomarsol Forte 80 WG.
LEP BANDS.Sticky bands should be placed on the trunks of fruit trees in order to catch the females of the early spring which are climbing up the trunk to lay eggs.
BEWARE OF THE FRESH!We protect young fruit trees against frost.
WE PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENTIn gardens adjacent to fields and forests we protect trees and shrubs against game.
WE COLLECT LEAVES.We collect fallen leaves and twigs that can be a source of infection in the next year.