The numbers speak for themselves: we use about 150 liters of water daily, of which only a few liters are for food purposes. If we are not indifferent to the environment or the state of the household budget, we should think about collecting rainwater.This water is soft, clean, slightly acidic and perfect for watering plants, and even for washing hands after using more extensive cleansing systems.
The average annual rainfall in Poland is 600 mm / m².Of course, these values will be different for mountain areas and for central Poland. It is easy to calculate that 60 m³ of water can be collected from a 100 m² roof, which equals 60,000 liters! What is the best way to store water?Small amounts can be collected in wooden or plastic barrels, but it is not recommended to use metal containers, because sooner or later they start to corrode.It is important that the container is not exposed to direct sunlight.
There are even special containers for rainwater to be buried in the ground.They are available in complete sets with pumps, hoses, filters.The containers are strong enough that you can even bury them under the garage entrance.
Another source of ecological water extraction is the construction of a deep well. This investment is profitable for every household, but it is related to the fulfillment of specific technical and legal conditions.And not everyone seems to know and remember about itThe provisions of the Water Law quite clearly define what and how to build.So let us remind you that the landowner may use the waters on his property, if water consumption does not exceed 5 m³ per day.
In addition, the depth of the drilled well (borehole depth) may not exceed 30 meters.Otherwise, we must obtain a water permit.It is also worth knowing that the borehole can be made at least 5 meters from the plot border and 15 meters from a septic tank or slurry. The cost of making a well (borehole plus materials) is around PLN 250-300 per meter.
- Poor distribution or dosing of water can do more harm than good.
- The plants are not watered at noon, but in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is not so bright.
- We water less often, but more often. It is easy to explain - with frequent, but weak irrigation, the water only seeps into the top layer of the substrate, which causes the plants to naturally form a shallow root system.This, of course, exposes them to damage. Experts advise that bedding plants should be watered 15-20 centimeters deep.
- You should avoid flooding the upper parts of plants, because it may cause fungal infections, e.g. gray mold and scab. Roses, petunias and flames do not like it.
- We always water after feeding so that the nutrients are evenly distributed in the substrate.
- We start the renewal with small doses of irrigation, if the soil dries up and hardens. Thanks to this, the water will slowly soften the ground.
- It is worth using bedding that will slow down the drying of the soil (bark, straw, mowed grass, wood chips, sawdust and small stones).