In the spring, I modernized the area intended for a pond on the plot. This time, instead of the foil, which is not very durable and quite difficult to cover, I bought a ready-made eyelet made of plastic.
Unfortunately, as it turned out, this rather expensive basin (around PLN 280), similar in shape to a rectangle (with a diagonal of approx. 200 cm), is rather cheaply constructed and quite difficult to assemble. The walls made of black, elastic material are - in my opinion - too thin (they are about 1-1.5 mm thick). The whole bowl, however, is sufficiently stiff thanks to the numerous contoured bends.
I noticed one more drawback of this pond.The structure lacks a properly finished rim. This edge (approx. 5 cm wide) was simply trimmed with a pair of scissors. As a result, when heated by the sun's rays, it undergoes waves. This can only be prevented by arranging, for example, not too heavy and flat stones on the rim.
Proper placement of the tank in the previously dug hole takes a relatively long time. It is worth remembering that the bottom of the pit must be free of protruding pebbles, roots, etc. A very large number of irregular profiles, i.e. various kinks, over almost the entire surface of the pond makes it necessary to sprinkle it slowly and thoroughly. The soil used for this activity should be relatively moist.
During assembly, we often lift the bowl and observe where there is still too little soil, and where too much. We will recognize this by the traces made by the reservoir on the surface of the depression. The excessive amount of soil - even if only in one place of the pit - makes practically the entire reservoir rest on this mound.Then it loses stability and exceeds the planned level. In such a situation, of course, the soil has to be removed a bit. In order to properly level the tank, you need a long, straight strip, approx. 2.5 meters long, and a spirit level.
The last step is to gently tread the ground around the pond, and then sprinkle it quite strongly with water. After such treatments, the tank may collapse a bit and you will need to sprinkle it a bit again. Then we can finally start filling it completely with water.
After a few days, when the soil around the pond is dry, we start covering its shores with sandstone tiles, granite slates or other similar material, depending on your preferences.
After I de alt with the deposition of the reservoir, I proceeded to the development of the adjacent area. It is worth remembering about the basic rule: we plant lower plants (e.g. periwinkle, kevis) right next to the pond, and higher and higher as we move away from it.
Jacek Dominiczak
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