Mulberry - sweet medicine

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Mulberry - fruit of childhood

I spent every vacation at my grandma's. I associate this period of childhood with the sweet taste of mulberry. Several specimens of this tree grew along the country road. I remember black hands and the soles of sneakers. Perhaps it is precisely because the falling mulberry fruit is so dirty that it is so rare to find these trees today. However, I encourage all those who have a larger plot to plant them. This plant has a good effect on our he alth.

Mulberry he alth propertiesMulberry can have white, pink, red or almost black fruit. The latter are, in my opinion, the tastiest.The dark color of the berries proves the high content of he alth-promoting compounds. It is a suitable plant for weakened and elderly people. It is rich in minerals and vitamins. The high iron content makes anemic, poorly growing children regain their vitality. The fruit is sweet, so the little ones do not need to be encouraged to eat them too much. Mulberry leaves and bark are also very valuable. In Chinese medicine, it is a medicine for dozens of diseases - it is even used as an adjuvant in the treatment of certain types of cancer. Leaf infusions show bactericidal properties and regulate sugar and cholesterol levels. I always drink a tea of ​​young shoots in spring for strengthening.

Mulberry cultivation requirementsWe must provide a warm and sunny position, sheltered from the wind. In the first years, the young sapling is sensitive to frost and requires covering. It grows up to 15 m, but there are also varieties with drooping branches. The plant can be sown from seeds that require a three-month prior frosting.Some people also successfully breed it from cuttings.

Karolina Wesołowska


What to use mulberry for?

LEAVES are used to prepare infusions and decoctions to help cure colds. They can also be used to make syrups for various types of cough.

The decoction of young GAŁZEK effectively relieves rheumatic pains in the hands.

Tincture of the FRUIT of the plant strengthens the body and has a slight hematopoietic effect. In turn, the juice squeezed from fresh berries, usedas a rinse, relieves a sore throat.

FROM THE ROOT you can prepare a decoction, which is used in cases of asthma and lung diseases. The preparation also has diuretic properties.

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