Mulberry - fruit cultivation and use

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The genus Morva Morus includes about 15 species. Edible fruit is produced by the white mulberry Morus alba and the black mulberry Morus nigra. They are related to each other, but they differ in climatic requirements, which determines their cultivation. There are many intermediate forms - hybrids of white and black mulberry.

White mulberry comes from China, where it is grown as a feed for silkwormsBlack mulberry comes from the Middle East and is treated as a fruit plant.In ancient Greece, the mulberry tree was worshiped as a divine tree, a symbol of reason. It develops after the end of frosts.

White mulberry is widespread in Europe and the world, and has long been cultivated in China and India.It was brought to Europe in the 12th century.This plant grows in the form of a tall shrub or tree that grows up to 10-14 m.White mulberry leaves are undivided or trimmed, shiny and smooth on the top. There are tufts of white hairs at the bottom.

The fruits appear at the end of June / beginning of July, they resemble blackberry fruits, they are composed of small achenes. They are sweet, for some even bland (they contain about 12% of sugars and about 0.4% of acids), white, pink, purple-black in color, growing up to 1-2.5 cm in length.They can be used to prepare delicious juices, wines or marmalades.

Black mulberry is characterized by a higher height than white mulberry. Its leaves are not very useful in silkworm breeding, but the fruits are tastier than white mulberry fruits and less sweet (they contain half the sugar and more acids, about 0.6%), as well as larger ones, black in color.Fruits of both species contain, among others 8 to 29% of vitamin C, flavonoids, provitamin A and iron. In Poland, white mulberry plants are usually planted, because black mulberry is more sensitive to frost and spring frosts.

Mulberry fruit can also be eaten raw, as an addition to fruit salads and desserts.In addition, the plant has been used in medicine: preparations made of white mulberry leaves are helpful in the treatment of diabetes, because the leaf extract promotes the balance of blood sugar.

Easy to grow

Growing mulberry is not difficult. It prefers a sunny position, rather dry, light and humus soils, although it also grows on heavy soil.The advantage of the species is that it tolerates the urban climate, smoke and sulfur oxide in the air, therefore mulberry is often found on city squares or along railway lines in cities.

Mulberry hedge

Mulberry is often planted as an unformed hedge - it then creates a dense high cover.To achieve this effect, use a spacing between plants every 1.5-2 m.In small gardens, one tree is usually planted as a solitaire or background for other plants.

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