Fashionable ideas for balcony boxes

Below we present four completely different balcony compositions. Both fans of Mediterranean climates and people who like purple compositions or hand-grown vegetables and herbs will find something for themselves.

Mediterranean reminiscences

This composition will remind us of a holiday spent in sunny countries. The newcomer from southern Europe is 1 thymus citriodorus (2 pieces). Its leaves, when rubbed, give off a strong spicy aroma. When the sun burns down on summer days, two Lavandula shrubs smell intensely.The main accent of the arrangement is the yellow fruit of Citrofortunella Calamus.This vigorous and vigorously growing citrus plant needs a loose, permeable substrate and a supply of specialized iron-containing fertilizers.

Such conditions also correspond to annuals of the genus Calibrachoa with orange-red and apricot flowers. The most important thing is to provide them with a position in full sun, well-drained soil and drainage of excess water.These plants react badly to excessively high ground humidity for a long time.A blue painted box (100x25 cm) is suitable for this composition.

Children of the sun

This composition is made of colorful plants that like very intense sunlight. The most remarkable of these is the pink Gaura Gaura planted at either end of the box.This winter-hardy perennial with nice, delicate flowers is sometimes grown in gardens, and has recently gained a place among balcony and terrace plants.

In the center of the arrangement there are two overgrown copies of Rudbeckia hirta. Its sumptuous flower baskets with radially arranged "petals" tower above the low, overhanging clumps of plants in the foreground. Here, the pink flowers of the two Diascia Diascia alternate with the orange Calibrachoa bells. All these plants need a lot of light. The box should therefore be placed in a sunny place, and at the same time sheltered from rain (size 100x25 cm).

In purple

It is a small, compact and full of flowers arrangement. There are no empty spaces in it. On the left side you can see the delicate flowers of Diascia Diascia, in the center - bright purple Petunia petunias. On the right there are Verbena inflorescences. Beautifully outlined Hedera ivy leaves are a spectacular addition to flowering plants.This winter-hardy, always green climber can grow in a balcony box for many years, adding lightness to colorful flower arrangements. The purple Ageratum wedding ring is matched to the colors of the whole.

The last element is Torenia, hanging over the edge of the box, with funny flowers resembling open mouths. In order for the plants to bloom long and profusely, they need a sunny position and adequate irrigation and fertilization.The development of more and more new buds is also favored by the regular cutting of faded shoots.The box painted blue will emphasize and strengthen the colors of the flowers (size 80x25 cm).

Something for foodies

This composition looks extremely appetizing. The whole herb garden with two tomato bushes and one-year-old flowers fit in a small box. Salvia sage brings a wonderful fragrance to the arrangement, while Diaskia Diascia and pink Zinnia zinnia are attractive in terms of colors.

You can expect a delicious yield from Lycopersicon dwarf tomatoes. They need plenty of sunshine, regular watering and a supply of liquid fertilizer to mature and develop intense flavor. If the tomatoes are to be eaten, no chemical pesticides must be used.The colorful accent is Calibrachoa, shown on the right. Two basilicas Ocimum basilicum and Petroselinum parsley complete this handy herbal pack.

Colored plants for shade

On balconies and terraces lit by sunlight only in the morning or in the evening, most of the plants bloom poorly.Our two examples show species that show up in their full glory even in a small amount of light.In the box on the right, two varieties of Impatiens walleriana impatiens in different shades of pink were planted. The center of the box is occupied by a white begonia, constantly flowering Begonia semperflorens.

The composition is completed by a small Hedera ivy. Plants should be fed with a solution of liquid fertilizer only once every 2-3 weeks. The bottom photo shows a collection of multicolored begonias with the addition of Plectranthus with fresh green leaves. It is worth remembering that colorful boxes will additionally cheer up shadowy corners.

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