More about the plant below:
Lungwort Pulmonaria
category : perennials
position : partial shade, shade
height : 20-30 cm
frost resistance : to -25 ° C
soil reaction : neutral, slightly alkaline
soil preferences : fertile, humus, permeable
watering : a lot
color of leaves / needles : green, white-green
color of flowers : blue, pink, purple, white
habit : clumpy
flowering period : March-May
seeding : summer, autumn (spring after stratification)
reproduction : division of clumps, sowing
leaf durability: semi-evergreen
application : beds, ground cover, rockeries, balconies, terraces, honey and medicinal plants
growth rate: quick
The leaves of this spring forest perennial resemble lungs. Interestingly, lungwort contains substances that actually help with catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and bronchitis. Honey herb is part of popular herbal mixtures.The flowers range in color from purplish red, purple, blue, white and shades of red.The flowering period is from March to May. There are 15-20 species of lungwort in Europe, incl. red lungwort and the already mentioned spotted lungwort. A feature of both species are evergreen leaves.
Miodunka creates loose carpets with short runners, which, depending on the variety, reach a height of 15 to 40 cm.
The optimal development conditions are provided by a semi-shaded to shady position under the luminous crown of a tree or shrub, in a fertile, permeable and moderately moist substrate.
Lungworm can be propagated by dividing in spring or autumn and by root cuttings.In spring it is possible to sow seeds directly into pots or soil.
For a compact plant habit, you can prune just above the ground every spring. Besides, honey plants do not require any special care treatments.
Due to its mottled leaves, lungwort is a valued ornamental plant.It looks very nice in ground cover plantings with bush roses.Can be grown in small groups also in shady beds. It is eagerly visited by bees.
Lungwort used to be called a medical lungworm (from the Latin name Pulmonaria, pulmones - lungs).