Soon, the frozen ground will start plants onion , incl.earthy ,snowdropsand crocuses. Soon after them, when the sun warms the ground a little, the beds in the beds will be occupied byhybrideastern varieties Helleborus orientalis. Flower buds are formed inhellebore in summerWhen it israinyandwarm, they are formed en masse. During drought, they need to be watered. The durability of the cut flowers is exceptional, as they can stay in a vase for up to 2 weeks, as long as they are incoolroom
Hellebores are poisonous plantsThey contain a glycoside called heleborin, used asremedy cardiacTruncated flowerssecrete it into a water solution in a high concentration , dangerousnot only for he alth, but also lifeTherefore, the vase withflowers helleboremust be placed away from children.
Depending onvariety flowers helleborespersist for several weeks, eventually disappearing only inAprilThe beauty of flowers does not diminish even in the first monthsof the year night frosts
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Ciemierniki Helleborus orientalis (Photo: |
The value of hellebores is determined not only byearly flowering , but alsoimpressivedifferentiation colorThe color palette of their flowers ranges from white, through subtle shades of yellow, derivativesvioletandpink , to the darkred , which fall intoblackA separate category, equally attractive, are varieties with flowers spotted
Hellebore compositions forexposition terraceThe arrangements of two or three varieties o look greatvarious odarwieniuHellebores are also successful in ground plantings, e.g. undercrowns hardwood treesilarge shrubsIn order to obtain the best, i.e. the most natural effect, plants are recommended to be planted at irregular intervals in clusters ofseveral ,a dozen piecesby combining them with other low-growing spring plants, e.g. honey extract ,brunner ,delusion , as well as grasses and ferns.
A species closely related to the eastern hellebore is the white hellebore. Interestingly, its Latin name Helleborus niger means … black hellebore. Depending on the weather, the plants bloom for several weeks, starting in January or February. The popular variety 'Praecox' opens its beautiful flowers in December.
Through the crossing of Helleborus species, in recent years many interesting varieties have been obtained, distinguished by a long flowering period and high resistance to unfavorable development conditions.
Hellebores are not onlyextremely hardy , but alsolittle demandingThey grow slowly, therefore their development must not be disturbed. The position for the cultivation of hellebores should be selected taking into account the long-term cultivation plan without transplanting to another position.Thanks to this solution, the plants will be from spring to springgetting more luxuriant blossomappears around older plants quite a lot seedlings helleborethat can be used for breeding.
When sowing plants yourself, remember that their seeds quickly lose their germinationandripenvery unevenly in only 20-30%. Seeds from hybrid plants will notpass traits mother .
Hellebores prefersemi-shadedtoshadowand feel best infertile , limestone substrateIn pot growing, the criterionvolume potsmust be respected because the hellebore is a deep-rooting plant. Remove the oldleaves before flowering , that is in January or February. As a result, not only does flowering look better, but also reduces the risk of infecting plantswith leaf blotch Young leaves break out shortly afterflowering