May in the garden

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Decorative garden

Trim perennials

Żagwin, ubiorek, saxifrage, phlox, geese and other strongly growing rock perennials should be trimmed from time to time.Thanks to this treatment, the plants will retain their attractive appearance and bloom profusely. However, we wait with the cutting until the plants bloom.

We care for roses

In May, we can observe a rapid development of roses. This is a good time to get rid of wild shoots growing from under the budding site, which drown out the noble variety.The procedure is performed by breaking off the unwanted branches after digging out the root neck of the perennial.

We take care of the lawn

The period of the fastest grass growth is about to begin, it is important to mow regularly, weekly, to allow the plants to branch out well.When the grass grows more than 11-12 centimeters, it will become weaker and lose much of its natural beauty - because it will easily break and damage when trampled.

However, it should not be cut too short, the most advantageous height is 4-5 centimeters. Along with the grass, dicotyledonous plants also develop faster, and they should be removed at all costs - by spraying or mechanical plucking.


We form young crowns

At the tops of the crowns of young trees, the development of shoots is just beginning. Even 2-3 strong shoots can develop a beautiful crown in a few years.Shoots are formed by pulling them to the level and pressing them to the soil using weights or clips. In a few weeks after the treatment, the shoots will become lignified and we will be able to get rid of the weights.

Let's take care of pollinators

A common problem of fruit growers are the trees with poor fruit binding. Common causes of these problems are frost or poor flowering.It happens, however, that the lack of pollinators (other varieties of the same species) causes fruiting problems.

If these problems do not appear for the first time, it is worth considering planting at least one pollinating tree or transplanting one pollinator branch (in May, using the bark method).Pollinators are mainly required by pear trees (we recommend the variety "Favorite"), apple trees (variety "James Grieve") and cherries (variety "Hedelfinska").


Late top dressing

Top dressing is primarily required by root vegetables and those grown from sowing, with a long growing season - mainly late cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber and tomato. Initial fertilization of the cucumbers should be carried out when the plants from sowing have released 2-3 leaves, while those from the seedlings should be fertilized 7 days after planting.

Feed the tomatoes and peppers 14 days after planting them in the ground. When fertilizing, we mainly use calcium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate, and fermented and diluted organic fertilizers, such as liquid manure or slurry.

Continue sowing

Vegetables with a short growing season (for example, radish or lettuce), for continuous harvesting, require systematic sowing at two-week intervals, necessarily on new beds. We carry out sowing until May 20.Until the end of May, we can sow carrots and red beets for winter storage, but also dill or leaf parsley.

We can sow soybeans, sorrel, runny beans or leaf beetroots on May Day. From May 10, we sow string and tart beans, also at two-week intervals, until June 30. Between May 10 and May 15, we recommend sowing cucurbits.

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