The author of the text is MSc. Beata Romanowska
St. John's Wortbelongs to medicinal plants known inmany cultures , e.g. the Kazakhs called themdżerbaj-doctor ranand indeed it is a herb "multi-talented". It is used externally in the treatment of wounds, burns and frostbite, ininjuries sportsandarthritis , internally inailments system digestive system , nervous, for example in depression and in hormonal disorders. St John's wort owes its power in the treatment of various diseases to the presence ofactive substancesinplant tissues
The basic one ishypericinand its related compounds, e.g.pseudohiperycynallThey are red in color and occur mainly in St. John's wort flowers. Hypericin dissolves infatsandalcoholand does not dissolve in water, therefore aqueous extracts do not contain it. In addition to hypericin, the herb contains essential oils,glycosides flavones ,tannins ,catechinsacidsmultifunctional,phytosterols ,fats ,pectins
Essential oils relax musclessmooth digestive tract digestive system , especially biliary tract, which is helpful in liver diseases;enhance productionanddrain bile .
Ingredientshydrophilic, dominant in water extracts, these are flavonoids used to treatdiseases liver,gastrointestinalandvascular,relaxmuscles smooth , andtanninssealing vesselscapillariesand inhibiting processesoxidation ,
Ingredientslipophilic(not found in water extracts), incl. hypericin and its derivatives have an effect oncentral system nervousHypericin is also anti-inflammatory like good quality drugs - Strongly destroysbacteriagram-positive (streptococci, staphylococci), inhibits the multiplication ofvirus HIV(in vitro tests ) and the development ofcells tumors(also in vitro).
Studies conducted in the 1980s confirmed that St. John's wort preparations are a drug indepressions ,states anxiety ,anxietyandsleep disturbance ,headache headacheand symptomsgeneral fatigueImproves after a few weeks of useability concentrationEffects on the nervous system, including depressive states, was known already in the 5th century AD
•Soil- light soils, but rich in nutrients, eg sandy loam, rendzinas. St John's wort grows very well on very fertile, compact soil, but produces thick, strong stems, and such a material is not suitable for harvesting (unless it is grown only as an ornamental plant).
•Site- in its natural state, it occurs in areas that are not too humid, sunny, usually in wastelands.
•Reproduction- from seedlings planted into the ground in spring, spaced 20x40 cm, or sowing directly into the ground - it is better to sow in autumn (from mid-September to the end of October), because during winter there is natural stratification in the soil. However, before spring sowing, the seeds must be subjected to a three-month "artificial" stratification at a temperature of approx. 4°C mixed with moist sand.
The seeds are small, so to sow them evenly, you can mix them e.g.with sand. They are not covered, but only pressed against the soil. The "artificially" stratified is sown along with the substrate in which the stratification took place. St John's wort shrub species are propagated from cuttings - Hypericum calycinum St. John's wort and Hypericum 'Hidcote', from V-X, using rooting.
•Care- in the initial period of growth it is very important to manually remove other plants and provide water. And during the growing season - loosening the inter-rows.
•Harvest- herbal raw material is fresh or dried herb, harvested in full flowering top flowers, the thickness of the stems should not exceed 3 mm. Whole shoots are 35-40 cm long. In the first year after planting, St. John's wort blooms in late August and early September. In the following years, in June. From the second year onwards, harvesting can be done twice.
St. John's wort cannot be used in cases of hypersensitivity toradiation ultraviolet , in high fever and severe damagedamagekidneyandliver During treatment with St. John's wort, it is necessary to limit exposure to the sun (also applies to sunbathing under quartz glass), because hypericin is acompound photodynamic : allergic to sunlight and cancause burns skin(especially in fair-skinned people).
St. John's wort preparations cannot be combined withdrugs antidepressants , some anti-migraines andoral means contraceptives .
St. John's Wort oil, i.e.extract oilfreshblooming herb is often found in hair conditioners and is heavily used in cosmetics. It is the basic ingredient ofdarkening skincreams, i.e. self-tanners, and water and alcohol extracts are included in creams forskin normalandoily
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Dziurawiecustomny Hypericum perfortum (Photo: |
St. John's wort is used as an additive todrinks alcoholic drinks-cocktails ,liqueurs ,vodkas , because it gives them a wonderfulgolden red color .
Once upon a time, St. John's wort was used to dyewoolandflax . Depending on the agent used fordressing yarnorfabric , the colors weregreen ,pink ,red, redoryellow .
•Species- St. John's wort Hypericum perforatum L.
•Family- St. John's Guttiferae.
•Occurrence- all of Europe, Asia, North Africa. It grows wild in deciduous forests, on meadows, meadows, grasslands and grasslands. There are about 400 known species occurring mainly in the temperate zone, in Poland - 7.
•Perennial- about 70 cm high.
•Leaves- small, entire edges, lanceolate, placed opposite on the stem, with a large number of glands containing essential oil.
•Stem- St. John's wort is twofold, stiff, branched in the upper part. It is a diagnostic feature, similar St. John's wort in the natural state (St. John's wort H. tetrapterum=H. acutum and St. John's wort H. maculatum=H. quadrangulum) have four-pointed stems.
•Root system root systemis highly branched, it grows up to 40 cm deep, in not very fertile soils it is adapted to the uptake of nutrients and water even from deeper soil layers.
•Flowers- yellow, corymbose with a balsamic smell and bitter taste.
•Flowering period Flowering- end of June.
•Fruits- three-chamber multi-seed pouch.
•Seeds- are small (1000 pcs. Weighs 0.1-0.5 g). Ripe fruits are harvested in September. Stored in a dry and ventilated place, they retain their germination capacity for 4 years or even longer.
•Features special- contains red juice - hypericin.