Lantana - silhouette, care, wintering, cutting

More about the plant below:

Lantana (Lantana)

category : potted

position : sun

height : up to 1.2 m

wintering : room, 8-12 ° C

frost resistance : 0 ° C

reaction soil : slightly acidic

preferences soil : permeable, humus-rich, fertile

watering : medium

color leaves/needles : green, yellow-green

color of flowers : red, orange, yellow, pink

habit : bushy, tree-like, pendulous

period flowering : April-August

seeding : spring

reproduction:herbaceous, semi-woody cuttings

persistence leaves : seasonal

application : balconies, terraces

pace of growth : fast

Lantana - silhouetteStand for lantanaLantana - irrigationLantana fertilizationLantana - cuttingWintering lantanaAdvice

Lantana - silhouette

An interesting feature of the lantana camara flowers is the variability of colors.The opening flowers are orange, for example, and later turn yellow or red. The different varieties of the beautiful shrub bloom from May to October in white, yellow, pink or orange. The evergreen plant can reach a height of 3.0 m. Note: Lantana juice is poisonous.

Lantana stand

A beautiful shrub should bathe in the sunshine all day long.It grows best in wholesome soil for potted plants.

Lantana - irrigation

In summer, lantana should be watered abundantly.Excess water is carefully drained after each watering.The plant does not like excess moisture or a dry substrate.

Lantana fertilization

A luxuriantly flowering lantana needs increased amounts of nutrients.From March to September, the plant should be supplemented once a week with full-value fertilizer for plants grown in containers.

Lantana - cut

If we cut young plants several times a year, their crowns will grow nicely and thicken.Shoots of older lanthanas should be trimmed in autumn if they will winter in a dark room, or in February (March), when the winter accommodation is bright.

Lantana wintering

Before the first frost, transfer lanthanum to a dark or light room with a temperature within 5-15 ° C. It should be assumed that in warmer quarters it should be lighter.The root ball of the plant must not dry out even in winter.


Lantana is often attacked by whitefly, aphids and spider mites. Leaves and shoots should be checked regularly to avoid pest infestation.

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