The roses of a short day are blooming

The days are getting shorter, but the sun's rays are still warm.In such a light, especially those roses whose flowers bear autumn colors, from golden yellows, through shades of amber and copper, to fiery reds and purple, look great.

Many roses bloom until the first frost. Single flowers develop by winter, and low temperatures only preserve their beauty. However, flowering will turn pale if our plants are not properly supported, many weeks in advance.The condition for lush flowering is regular cutting of faded flowers.

If we don't, the bushes will bear fruit, which costs them a lot of energy each time.And although the fruits of roses are also valued for decorative qualities, we have to choose: flowers or fruits.Roses generally need a lot of fertilizer, otherwise they will not be able to bloom for several months.

Hence, both the term of supply and the type of fertilizer are of fundamental importance here. The first feeding with rose fertilizer is carried out in spring, when the first pruning of the season is made during the forsythia flowering period.Unfortunately, the nutrients supplied to plants are depleted after a few weeks, usually after the first abundant flowering.When flowering weakens, sprinkle the second dose of fertilizer. This one should be enough for flowering until the first frost.

But beware! - the feeding cannot be carried out too late, because then the bushes will still try to sprout young shoots, and this will automatically expose them to freezing. The contractually adopted cut-off date is the first of July, after this date, no nitrogen fertilizers should be applied.The point is that the shoots should mature before the real winter chill sets in.

Roses show different frost resistance, it depends on the variety . The grafting site is always the most sensitive part of the shrubs, so make sure that it is only aboutwhen planting.
5 centimeters underground.To make sure that the bushes do not freeze, you can bury them or cover them within the roots with spruce branches. The more sensitive varieties can also be protected in the aboveground part, e.g. with a non-woven fabric or a coniferous weed.

Exceptional late season blooming roses

- 'Benjamin Britten' is a bushy rose with red flowers and an orange blush. Smells, height is approx. 120 cm.

- 'L Ami des Jardins' has fragrant raspberry flowers. Bushy variety, grows up to 120 cm.

- 'Black Forest Rose' has flowers with a strong red color, grows up to 70 cm. A very he althy bedding rose.

- 'Mandy' is a dwarf rose with small, semi-double flowers, 50 cm high.

- 'Graefin Diana' sprouts purple buds that develop purple-red flowers. Large-flowered rose with a wonderful scent of flowers, up to 100 cm high.

- 'Heathcliff' is an English rose with dense, full, carmine red flowers with an indescribable scent. Bushy, up to 100 cm high.

- 'Burgundy Ice' is a whim of nature. Maroon red flowers have white spots on the petals, smells subtle, height 120 cm.

- 'Rhapsody in Blue' is a bedding rose with purple-violet flowers. Height 100 cm.

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